Our car played the well visible second plan role in the recent photo session with one of the most popular Polish actresses Anna Mucha. Here are some of the photos from that session.
If you make an extra effort and are a seasoned observer, you may possibly notice - after a while - that there IS a Pagoda painted in gold on the photo as well
For the little story, MB Poland contacted me asking if they could have the car for the photo session. As, together with four other members of the Polish section of our venerable Pagoda SL Group I was departing on the day of the session for the event in Willingen, I proposed that they use a car that belongs to one of the members who (sadly
) was not going to Willingen. For the session, his golden Pagoda received US registration plaque as it was supposed to take place in the US Wilde West decor.
The owner spent the entire very hot day on stage but told me that he enjoyed that time. Somehow