If you are a member of an official Mercedes Benz club in Europe, and you have received an official club card, then you can access the Electronics Parts Catalog and the Workshop Knowledgebank
free of charge, without entering any credit card details. Your card looks like this:
You will find your membership number on the back:
Go to the following link and log-in:
http://clublounge.mercedes-benz-clubs.com. Note: This only works with a PC with the Microsoft operating system, and Internet Explorer v8. If you have an Apple Mac or a Linux PC, you can install a tool like
Virtual Box (free of charge), and then a virtual machine with Windows to be able to access the information.
You can then log in using, if you are logging in for the first time, your last name using lower-case letters only. If your name consists of multiple parts, just use the last part. Also enter the Captcha and log in. If you are using Internet Explorer on a PC, and have the right tools installed, you can then access the EPC.