Well....I haven't got as far into this as I'd like, but here's what I have found. After hauling out the rad etc., I started into the dist. housing. When I got the cover off I noticed small metal shavings clinging to the dist. drive gear, hmmmm. I tried to roll the engine from the crank pulley and indeed the large sprocket was spinning on the idler shaft, so the key and the locating pin have sheared, at the very least. I wrapped a piece of cloth on the dist. drive gear(on the idler shaft) and tried to turn and pull it. The idler shaft did turn a partial turn before the gear came loose. So I'm now at the stage where I need to pull the inj. pump. One thing that is puzzling me is how to pull the tach drive. I have it loosened and was able to lift it up but it won't clear the head, unless it is meant to come apart, or else the head has to be removed first.
So has anyone heard of the inj. pump itself seizeing or failing in such a way as to cause the idler shaft to bind enough to shear the pin and key on the sprocket ? There is an idler shaft set on ebay right now that says it is for a 250sl, but my 250se eng. lists a slight variation in part no. which my local dealer says could just be a different manufacturer. The ebay part no. is 130 050 04 06, the BBB says for 250SL and SE 621 050 03 06. The 621 is the old style numbers, but my dealer says for 250SE the current number is 130 050 03 06. Is there any way to reference these numbers against actual eng. numbers ? When I get the inj. pump off I should have more to report.
Richard V