Hello Joe & Jeff,
I find this very topic very interesting, but still a bit confusing.
As I look through the Tech Manual and earlier posts, we dont really have pics showing all of the details you discuss (at least I cant find them).
If possible, could you post pics of:
1. Early & late style heat feelers (i thought the later style has the nuts & earlier w/o the nuts?). My current setup has the heat feeler w/nuts.
2. Clear pics of the round shims for the upper section (heat feeler). I only see pics of the lower section with oval shims currently posted.
Maybe we can then update the Tech Manual with the add'l pictures and description of exactly what the top section (with shims or nuts) and the lower section with oval shims actually does. It would be nice to include in the manual, along with pics, and clear description of:
1. Removal of oval shim from upper section (heat feeler) - leans, or enriches fuel when cold ... or if later style w/nuts, turning nuts towards top body of heat feeler lengthens the rod of the feeler which - leans or enriches the fuel?
2. Removal of oval shims from lower section of the WRD - leans or enriches fuel when cold ..? etc...
3. Specific conditions that apply to removing, adding round shims (or adjusting nuts) on the top section of the WRD, vs. when to add, remove oval shims from the lower section, etc..
I would be happy to help.