Hello All,
I have yet to completely update the participant database, but here's what I have so far--
41 Participants have sent in their work. Represented are USA, Australia, England, Netherlands, Norway.
6 Participants have been in regular contact and are expected to send in their photos and writeup shortly.
12 people indicated and confirmed participation, but have not been in regular contact and I'm still waiting for confirmation.
Over 1,400 [astounding] photos have been submitted. Do I have in my stewarship, the largest collection of digital Pagoda photos in the world?
My best guess at this point is this:
Book to be a minimum of 45 participants; minimum of 90 pages.
Book to be a maximum of 59 participants; maximum of 118 pages.
A small handful of buyers but not participants; not expected to significantly impact anything.
Based on the above information I'll be working up the final quotes and pricing shortly; that will go out directly to participants/buyers by email.
Everyone has been extremely cooperative and has really put their best foot forward in photography, writing and creativity to date.