Pagoda SL Group
W113 Pagoda SL Group => Photo Gallery => Topic started by: guyke on October 07, 2016, 10:21:53
after 5 jears of searching after a pagode i maneged to finaly find one in the usa , in verry good condition , its a 230 4 speed manual from 64
the old girl is gona be shiped soon .
i wil first make the mechanic in order so i can drive it in the condition how i found it , when i have all the necessary parts i will do a complete restauration , there is no hurry
she was standing the last 10 jears in the garage on the picture , poor girl ( no w113 deserve to stand still so long ) )-:
Very nice. Congratulations from New Jersey. is it Ivory color?
Good luck with your Pagoda adventure. Please keep us posted on the progress. And be sure to take lots of photos.
the first morning sun my beauty sees after 10 jears of darkness
there is an after life 4 each pagode in the hands of the real w113 lovers
she sufferd from californian sun burn , when the car wil be in belguim i wil see her 4 the first time , i buyd the car by judging the pictures , she is complete thats is important for me , so that i dond have to purchase to many parts , mechanical is no problem we have a workshop and restaured already more than 10 cars , the last was a fiat 500 , porsche 914 , mb w111 coupe , mb w108 4 doors , etc...
i wil need a door pannel 8) 8)
all the chrome is on the car and is in good condition , its a good solid base 4 a restauration ,
im glad i found this sl group , did some reading already , and see that the pagoda is becomming rare to find 4 a good price ( in good condition).
this is our last work in progress
there she goes to the container company that will ship her back to europe
the story was that it was a pilot ho bougt the car originaly in europe , and when he came live in the usa he took the car whit him and never changed the lights and the speedometer , so everything is europeean on the car and still original , even the paint was never redonne , these are the last pictures i have , the next time i will se her in real and hopefully fall in love :-)
these are some project we done in the past , always body off full restauration
we still have the coupe benz , the fiat 500 and the 4 doors benz that is currently in reatauration
next project will be the pagoda
some more pics
we always have funn when whe find some new project , the fiat was a verry smal car to restaure but many work , and the tractor was just 4 funn
the mechanic virus was givin us by our father ho had a car work shop , so at our early jears we were already working in our fathers shop , building diesel benz for the export to africa , we builded a kit and maneged to changed from petrol cars to diesel cars in only 5 hours, we restaured countles w114/8 sadly no pics from al these :-[
i hope the pagoda gets quickly here so that i can take a look for the first time what needs to be done at the car
today finished the engine from the w108 4doors 2.8 carburator
it lookt pretty good to me 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
covered it up so it can go to sleep ::) ::)
i must admit i felt already in love whit a mercedes oldtimer convertible , and i bougt one at my 20 jear old i had it 4 jears long and had a lot of fun whit it
the first thing i did was driving the 2.2 antil i died , and then i build a 3.0 turbo diesel in it , kept the stock gearbox
it consumed 20 liters petrol in 100 kmters it and it made me poor :P
after the conversion i could drive on red diesel ( gasoline for home ) :o that costst in that time almoast nothing , so i drove it daily , not at night because we were not permitted in belguim
sometimes i mis the old 404 unimog
Thanks for sharing your stories and pictures.
I look forward to watching the restoration of you new Pagoda.
That 914 sure is nice !!
The side-ways Fiat is great. Your work looks really good.
today the w108 arrived back home from the paintshop , so we can start to rebuild it piece by piece , starting whit the engine and the automatic gearbox , and i had an email from the shipping company that the w113 arrived in rotterdam , in 3 days normaly she should be arrived at its final location where the documents and the customs clearance wil be arranged , i hpe to have the car in my garage before new jear , nice present 4 me ;D
found a work manual for the pagoda , i hope i wont need it , but jou never know
and started at rebuilding the w108
picture from the w108 let me think a little bit at this piece of movie ( enjoy it )
today i received a verry good mail from the shipping company , the sl has arrived at its final location , the customs clearance is ok , the car is ready to get picked up and to come home whit me , thursday i wil go to the the netherlands , me so verry happy 8) 8) 8) ;D ;D ;D :) :) :)
and i found some books that will go in to the pagoda ,
Almoast home ;) ;) ;)
today i went to the netherlands to pick up the pagoda , everything went well , customs clearence was ok , i pays the import duty and took the car home
once at home a fast inspection was done untherneed the car and we try to start the engine , sadly the electronic pump was dead , so we sprayed gasoline directly in the inlet manifold and the engine crancked up for 5 seconds , ok thats a releave that the engine is loose and it turned out there is no damage to it ,
the brakes from the car were restaured , there was 2 new brake pumps on the front and 2 new in the back ,
there is not even a single dent in de body work , ok the paint is cracked from the californian heat , but the body is verry solid ,
and now the minus points , the floor panels are rotten by rust , not the support beams , only the flat thin pannels , the electric fuel pump is dead , and there are some dents in the chrome bumpers , the interior is badly damaged but complete , by badly damaged i mean , the leader is cracked or rot , the door panels are damaged ,
In my garage
Congratulations !!!
And thank you for letting us share in your adventure.
the pagoda and its big brothers
so what wil i do next jear to the car , there wil not be a full restauration , the mechanics wil be repared so that the car drives good , and i wil look for an second hand interior that i wil instal so that i have little comford in the car , also a new soft top , the floor pannels wil be repaired , i wil make them myself , i wil change nothing at the exterior , the car wil be driven like i found it ( a little rat look )
after having purchased al the necessairy parts i wil do a full restauration ( and to spread the costs ) i sadly have no mony three in my garden ::) ::) ::)
breaking one down building one up , thats life 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
im in w107 sl heaven
they wer parked were i picked up my w113 , al came from usa , i think some one is gambling on a value increase of these types ( he may be correct )
so today i went at the purschase of pagoda parts , sadly the seller would not sel any parts anymore , so we bougd nombrous w108 parts
only peace i found for my pagoda was an original small bosch fuel pump , i wil rebuild that ( there was no fuel pump whit my car )
i took nombrous fotos from pagoda parts heaven ,
people whit heart fail problems please do not look at these pics and turn away jour head ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
other poor pagodas ho did there last miles
please help me :'( :'( :'( :'(
other rare benz types
and nombrous w107 and w108
Wow, I've never seen anything like that!
there must be over 1000 cars over there , oldtimers , joungtimers and todays cars , mercedes only , we know the seller almoast 20 jears , its a privilage and a trust i had to build up whit the seller otherwise jou are not alowed at his private collection , problem is that prices from pagodas went up so fast that the seller does not want to sell any parts anymore , sometimes he is buying projects and need the parts himself , next time i take a better camera , my phone does not take so good pictures :-[ :-[ :-[
I must also add WOW!
the nose from the w108 is ready , also found rare chrome ends that covers the rubbers on the bumper , i never saw them before
also found rare chrome ends that covers the rubbers on the bumper , i never saw them before
Neither did I, never. ???
Aftermarket stuff ....??? :o ???
i dont know achim , even if jou look after this aftermarket i would not know how to call them , we spotted them on a 6.3 w108 , maybe it is a rare option on these big engine types , we also found original paper holders to fit on the back from the driver and pasenger seat whit a chrome edge , but it was a little bit to kitschy so i did not took them , sometimes we get surprised wat rare options there are on these old cars , the bigger the petrol engines the better the options are ( like chrome and airco and air suspention etc ....)
today i started to work on the pagoda , could not resist , she is always looking so sadly when i enter the garage
wat did we do today
i gave her a full service , oil , filters , spark plugs , i rebuilted the second hand petrol pump , what a simpel pomp is that to rebuild :D
i took out the shifting knob ans stick to find out why there was so many play on that stick , i found out that al buschungs were worn out and simply fall out
disambeled the headlights and started to clean them , they wil need a full restauration ( i wil try to crome the mirrors myself using a do it jourself chrome kit )
did a check on the presurre from eatch cylinder , there is one that produces only 6 bar , al the rest is around 10 , maybe if i adjusted the inlet and outlet valves the pressure may be better on that one cylinder
after checking everything and remounting everything i try to start the car , but almoast no petrol is comming out the tank , the old gassoline just left a goopy smudge in the tank , so i took the tank out the car , tommorow i wil clean that using a concrete milling machine and a good degreaser
today i found out also that the gasoline pump is cooled down by gasoline , there was gassoline in the electrical part of the pump ????? , internet saved me and it was a releave that the pump was not dammaged
rebuild gasoline pump
old sparkplugs versus new , after checking and adjusting the new ones on 0.80 i replaced them
today i brougd away the gas tank , the coating in the tank was coming loose , so al that has to been removed , we have a company that cleaned gas tank , they put the tank in a verry agressif product , it stays the whole night in , the product is so agressif that even rust get removed , if the tank is in bad shape that causes holes in the tank , luckly my tank is solid , they clean it and paint it , so its like new , i wil also let them do my radiator
and i sandblasted the air filter house and painted it in primer , tomorow i wil paint it in black ( final coating )
and like this we do every day a little bit at the sl ;) ;) ;) ;)
did some work on the pagoda today ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
cleaned the engine bay , took out the radiator , thats going to the man thats specialised in radiator repair and fuel tank repair
took out the batterie holder , and sandblasted that , tomorow im gone repair that , and repaint it , disambled one door , im gone give the panel to a friend that works in wood , he is gone make me 2 door panels in cardboard , emailed one persone today ho is making the original springs for the seats , and ordered some parts for the fuel tank , at this speed normaly i wil drive the car this summer already 8) 8) 8)
radiator out , and batterie holder out and sandblasted and engine bay cleaned
found this plate while cleaning the engine bay , what does it means ???
Its the Body and Paint Number Plate.
See here
It means it was originally a white car with a green hardtop. Left hand drive, manual transmission delivered originally to Germany.
its still a white car , so the color white is papyruss white or what type of white , the hartop is now papyrus white , i want to make the car back original , green hardtop :P :P , what a strange combination , the car is delivered in germany that is was aware , and 4 speed left hand drive , do jou see also the color of the interior on that plate ?
050 White is not the same as Papyrus white. No interior info on the data plate, you would need to get the data card from MB.
i was planning to take the vin number to mercedes benz to see how the car came originaly out the factory , do not like the 050 color so mutch :-[ :-[ , and whit a green hardtop ,try to find a pic but even google can help me out :o :o
o my god , thats gone be a thuf one , to decide if i bring it back to originaly paint :( :(
today i did some work on the pagoda , i repaired the batterie metal bracket , soft sandblasted and painted the water reservoir , and i brougd the radiator to the radiator repair (restore ) guy , he made me a price to restaure the radiator , cleaning it renewing the welds , renewing the inner metal , and painting it , so after that its new (price was 280 euro ) total , and he was halfway cleaning my petrol tank
also the first parts are ordered , new glas for the headlights , steering demper , leather for restauring the door panels and interior panels and dashboard , many work in progress 8) 8)
finished the batterie case , cleaned the aerea around the batterie and gave it a coating , and renewed the bracket to mount the batterie case against the wing side , als the things painted in red wil receive a black finishing coating
so normaly i work always at modern cars , but today a welkome new client drove in whit his big old mercedes benz , a w126 whit the nice looking 280 twin cam engine , he was only running on 5 cylinders ,after a quick check we fast found that the problem were the old spark plug wires that need to be renewed , so the beast runned back at is full glorie 180 hp ,
and the cow i bougd for renewing my interior , this was the closed i found to the original colour
today the radiator and the fuel tank came back home , both cleaned renewed and ready for many jears of duty in my pagoda
I've got an 050 W/dark green top, can send you pictures as soon as I get it out in the sun to take some. Probably next weekend. George
george that would be incredebly awesom from jou , antil now i stil did not found any picture from that combination
looking forward to see jour car 8) 8) 8)
i have the Ignition Ballast Resistor in my 230 sl that is broke , is it normal ther is an 0.4 ohm in ,the bleu color , can not find anywere that this type is original fitted on the 230 engine
on the picture it is showing the bleu one
found it , normaly ther should be a 0.9 ohm in my car , so i wil change that to an original one ;D
started at headlight restauration
What did you use/do to polish the headlight?? Looks great.
everything new , found the main projector at marcel kappen in holland also al the rubbers in and between light ,, and the smaller projector , blinker orange cover and new glass at
main projector = 65 euro piece
smaller projector = 89 euro piece
blinker orange glass 27.90 euro piece
main front glass 90 euro piece
rubber between main front glass and licht unit 12.2 piece
rubber in lamp 35.99 piece
rubber between complete lamp and car 32 piece
total for restoration light 352.9 euro piece
i found a water pump on a oldtimer meeting point , there was a seller that had one laying around , original mb , i have now almoast everything to rebild the cooling system
Enjoying your posts.
Could you do me a favor and measure the inlet length of the pipe coming out of the tank with out the gas cap?
The neck on mine is too short (replacement tank from a previous owner) and want to see what the correct length is supposed to be.
top of the tube is 23 cm bottom to end that should be 9,05 inch in us measurments
if jou need more measurements , just ask
today my brother went back to pick up some parts for his w108 , he took many nice pictures from the mercedes benz parts dealer
if jou have a weak hart please do not look at these pics , pics are also 18+ 8) 8) 8) 8)
and this is just a small collection of what jou can find over there , we can spend hours and hours searching after parts , its heaven 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
done som cleaning at the car and removed the interior for refurbishing , the floor bottom is in real bad condition , and need to be renewed , i hate to do metal works its the only thing im not good at
its not because you dont hear anymore from me that i have stopped to work at the pagoda , ow no , i started at the renewing of the bottom , but everytime i cut out a peace of floor i found a new other rotten piece , and i dont like to do half work , im not a metal worker so it takes time for me to do the job propper and clean , i menaged to find al the new bottoms at sls shop , they have a great quality metal sheets , i sandblasted the whole bottom so al the rusty parts get exposed , this winter i wil finish the metal job and prep the car for painting , and im half way doing the interior panels , more pics on al that later
Where is that breakers/parts supplier?
ok the w108 is now totaly ready , it hurts not continuing working on the pagoda , but one car at a time , now its pagoda time , next project , i decide to do a full restauration , i wil have all winter to work on the body , already started at renewing the bottom , pics will folow ,
i made some pics today from the w108 totaly ready and totaly restaured , some pics are together whit the coupé from my brother
Wow, great pictures and great work on your 280S W108.
I'm sure your Pagoda will also look like that, once you are done.
Keep it up Guyke!
so today i went at the purschase of pagoda parts , sadly the seller would not sel any parts anymore , so we bougd nombrous w108 parts
only peace i found for my pagoda was an original small bosch fuel pump , i wil rebuild that ( there was no fuel pump whit my car )
i took nombrous fotos from pagoda parts heaven ,
people whit heart fail problems please do not look at these pics and turn away jour head ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I did not follow your advice and turned my head (once) and looked at the picture. And I immediately had a small heart attack.
Massacre !!!
its been a while i posted some progress on the pagoda , well people im still going strong and the car his body is totaly ready
i decided not to repaint it in its originaly color , it was white originaly 050 , i choose dark gray metalic , and i love it ,
in the meanwhile the benz colection has been updated with a w110 , that car is ready for goin to the painting company
the rear and front axle from the pagoada are also ready , al the chrome has been redone , some pics from that later
first the car has completly been sandblasted
sandblasted pagoda
after sandblasting the car was completly metalised , after metalising al the new floor panels were welded in place also side rockers , and every piece of rust have been cutted out and renewed , also different pannels have been rewelded due to a previeous repairs from other owners , not been correcly done , but now all good , afther al the welding was done , the car has been painted ,
final paint
final paint , and the picture is how i want to make the car looke like
And so much nicer to see that at the bottom of the page than the wrecks at the top!
Looks like you went with Anthracite Gray metallic. 172 G (G for Glasurit). That is the color I chose and my car was originally light ivory 460. Have you selected an interior color yet?
yes i decided wat color i wil take for the interior , it wil be cognac brown
starting at renewing numbrous parts also , cable loom has been renewed and repaired were needed .
brake booster is renewed , and al the pieces needed to rebuild the interior heating system , they need to be mounted first in the car
front axle is almoast complete
some progress on the car
many parts are already been restaured but wil be mounted on a later period in the car , progress is slowly , also big problem to find in belguim a company that fining metal parts in jellow coating , like the engine parts and screws , its toxic they say and its not anymore alowed , so looking at other countrys to send parts to be yellow metalised .
Wow! Very interesting thread. Never saw it before until you just posted again.
I have a non-Pagoda question:
On the first page(s) you show a VW-Porsche 914. The unrestored (red body) car has 4-lug wheels, indicating it is a Volkswagen. Some later pics (silver body) - I assume it is the same car - shows Porsche Fuchs wheels. Did you do a 5-lug conversion? Any other "upgrades" to the 914-4?
hello mike , there were only some minor upgrades at the porsche 914 , injection was removed due not verry reliabel , and a double weber was add in place , this made the car mutch faster and reliabel , an electronic ignition was placed , and the 5 bolt wheel were made possible by a friend of me turning an aluminuim piece with 4 bolt insert and 5 bolt outsert , so first jou mount the 4 bolt alu piece on the brakes and on that alu piece jou could mount the 5 bolt fuchs rims if jou untherstand , it was stil the same car , the fuchs were aftermarket wheels 5 bolt
yes i decided wat color i wil take for the interior , it wil be cognac brown
I restored my car back to it's original colours but I always said if I had a car in a non-preferred colour I would change it to "Anthracite Grey with Cognac interior".
Great choice!
gear box done
front suspention ready and mounted
al chrome already ready
we still are working on the car .
due to high financial cost it takes some more time .
no rush .
engine is totaly redone .
and mounted .
exhaust system is mounted .
moro fotos from the pagode and al other projects
Great work and thanks for sharing, only just found your thread.
Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming.
Engine completely redone
Good work, keep the pictures coming.
Where did you get the yellow plating done?
It's yellow zinc google that plenty of UK companies do it along with chrome and most popular clear or silver zinc
It has one eye now 8)
Please accept this as a my compliment, as that is how it is intended.
I very much enjoy your postings and assume as they are written that English is not your primary language. I applaud you both on your work and your commentary.
It is definitely a pleasure to read and keep track of this Pagoda's journey. Keep them coming
Well done
Again a lot of progress has been made on the car .
Al brake lines and fuel lines installed .
Brake booster installed .
Air filter installed .
Al air box components unther the dashboard .
Air flap guides in dash .
The rear of the car is totally ready .
Hand brake is installed .
And first instrument in dash also al the cables true the dash .
Part 1
Fuel lines
Brake booster and new brake lines
the rear is ready
engine bay for 90 procent ready
starting at the interior now
engine test out of the car .
i hope next week to restart the engine in the car
it started perfectly
But do I see correctly that two of the coolant hoses are not connected (likely going to the in-car heater core)?
And perhaps your spark plug wires are too short to route inside the plastic retainers?
Kees .
I used other cables when I mounted the engine in the car .
Big update on the pagode .
The front is ready .
The engine bay is ready .
Underneed the car everything is ready .
Im starting at the interior now .
Its a difficult job .
Here Some pica’s of the progress
Wood in dash
Dark red top pops on gray.
That was my First choise .
But it going to be a dark brown one ,