Pagoda SL Group

W113 Pagoda SL Group => Events => Topic started by: Rick007 on March 30, 2017, 06:44:01

Title: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on March 30, 2017, 06:44:01
Dear Members ,

Just to let you know the wheels are in motion for organizing a 2018 Euro Event .
Next couple of weeks we will start with information on :Introduction of the team ,Location , timespan , and opening our attendee list .

Many last years attendees asked us what we planned for 2018 ? Well we wanted to wait for other initiatives and plans, but since nobody stepped up with a plan for 2018, we decided to grab the wheel again.

The 2016 Event will be hard to beat but I guarantee we will try our best.

More info will follow .....

The 2018 Euro Event Team



Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on March 30, 2017, 07:41:47
You, sir, are a star!!! Thanks for stepping up again. Perhaps the bar you set is so high, others are intimidated...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on March 30, 2017, 08:19:55
Thank you James.... But don't forget its always a team effort.  And we would never want to break other initiatives !
Better still we would welcome them. However organizing an event like this requires a long prep time , so that's why these first steps.

By the way James ... you did 2014 ....alone.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on March 30, 2017, 13:08:27
Great News Rick!  Looking forward to further news on the event. :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on March 30, 2017, 13:43:29
Great news Rick,

My Ivory wheel keeps turning, we are off to Ireland later this year, and now look forward to your surprises for 2018....

Paul & Dolly
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on March 30, 2017, 15:39:20
Great news Rick, planning is more then half the job I've always used that in my business life and it never let me down. Nice to see you folks are staring early. I just might ship my Blue Tornado back to Germany for her 50s birthday attend your Euro Event and then enjoy some of the roads I've never seen for a few years with my brother that lives in Germany.


PS. I am attending the Moseltour this coming July and will discuss all what may be required to get my Pagoda certified for roads in Western Europe.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on March 30, 2017, 20:17:07
The surprise is that one of the participants from the 2010 EE event (Alsace) is playing a major role in the planning, and Paul, Rick and I are supporting the effort.

It's gonna be Yuuuge, Great and wonderful. I'm sure. More will be revealed soon.

So block the period from middle of September to early October (long weekends, starting Wednesdays) in your diary.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Flyair on March 30, 2017, 20:56:52
your message has plenty of suggestive hints...
In my life I have tried to do planning (probably more in the professional than private life), but rarely it exceeded 12 months. Here is a 18 month planning, but the event is definitely worth blocking the diary ahead of time.
Looks like work and family matters have to be planned around it :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on March 31, 2017, 12:54:05
City Walls ...near Cognac... yum  ;)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on March 31, 2017, 22:16:01
I am ready to sign up!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on March 31, 2017, 22:52:08
Jonny, I'm ready too, just need 3 months notice to plan a short term respite for my better half while in Europe. Looking forward to it.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 114015 on April 01, 2017, 01:55:35
I am ready to sign up!
Jonny B

Hey Rick,
Very good news here.
Please recognize that herewith Aslam ("Kampala") and I are also officially signing up for the 2018 European Event. ;) :D
As such, count us in, please !  ;D :)

Looking very much forward to it

(with 114015)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Flyair on April 01, 2017, 06:50:55
2 places please. This time I have to make it too!!!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: MP on April 01, 2017, 08:50:29
Count us in
                  Maurice & Dawn
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Larry & Norma on April 01, 2017, 14:28:41
We will be there!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on April 02, 2017, 16:11:58
 :) :) :) :) :) :)
Hi Guys,

definitley two cars from South Tyrol Italy. Sign us in please!
2 Cars 4 People's at least
Thanks in advance to the leading guys in front.

If help is needed i am ready!

Peter Johannes from Merano
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: RAY on April 02, 2017, 17:43:50
Would love to make it next year as part of my significant birthday year celebrations.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: sully on April 02, 2017, 18:43:58
Definitley make it next year,please count me in Rick

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: star63 on April 02, 2017, 19:28:06
Count us in, please.

Maritta & Petri
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on April 02, 2017, 22:42:32
What Achim (114015) said.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on April 02, 2017, 22:54:44
I have a hunch Rick will soon start a attendance list :) I will definitely be there the only question will be will I fly to Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris or Rome. :) whatever is nearest to the planned event.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Flyair on April 03, 2017, 11:41:46
You are trying to over-smart the surprise... wouldn't work, trust me... ;D
The patience seems to be of the essence..

Just to make it more fun, let me add: Berlin, Milan, Zurich, Barcelona and why not Warsaw???
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on April 03, 2017, 12:21:19
Hey Stan,

Perhaps you can plan an event prior or after the Euro Event in Poland love to come and visit with your group it would make the trip across the pond even more exciting :)

I know you folks are great hosts, for many years when I lived in Montreal my Polish brother in law put on a great Easter Breakfast that we never missed :)

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Flyair on April 03, 2017, 20:00:43
Hello Dieter!
I know that looking from the North American perspective, Europe is like a medium size country ;D So why not one event here and another one there? ;D

But seriously, I doubt that we would even attempt to do something meaningful sticking to The Event. This takes time and full commitment, etc etc.

However, if you happen to visit Warsaw, a solid Polish breakfast/lunch Easter style will be waiting for you. And weather permitting, a small gathering and ride with a few Pagodas can be always arranged on the spot.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on April 28, 2017, 08:19:34
Dear Euro Event fans ....

We, the 2018 Euro Event Team are happy to report... The list is now open for those who would want to attend on the 2018 Event to.....

South of France ... De Provence .

The team :  Pascal Feraud ( Long time member and our local man on site ) 

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on April 28, 2017, 08:29:38
Sorry for the broken up massage ..

Paul Haems     :  Co- organizer 2012 and 2016 Event
Peter van Es    :  Organizer and Co-organizer 2010 , 2012 , 2016 Event
Rick Bond        :  Co- Organizer 2012 and 2016 Event

Are happy to inform you that we will have a Euro Event from 27 to 30 September 2018 in "De Provence " France .
We have an maximum on the number of attendees of 25 to start with, so first com first serve , but long time attendees have priority.

If you would like to participate we will send you our Flyer with all the details .
More information will follow .

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team .

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on April 28, 2017, 08:36:26
Put my name down on attendees list please.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on April 28, 2017, 09:06:03
Yes please! Still kicking myself for missing Merano
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on April 28, 2017, 10:08:42
Please add my name as well.

Thank you!


PS. I do need a ride from a single driver if that is not possible I'll share the cost of a rental car or Pagoda (like I understand was possible last year). I will attend the Mosel Tour this coming July and I am fortunate to get a lift with Heinrich and his wife Ruth (they are traveling with two Pagodas His and Hers). I will be happy to return the favour should someone like to be a passenger in my car to the world renown Niagara Falls or our near by Niagara on the Lake Wineries.

Edit  Added PS. And corrected typo I hate this auto correct ;)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on April 28, 2017, 12:32:42
Will attend IF I can get a ride as a passenger.  I will be close by in Northern Italy during September.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 450sl on April 28, 2017, 13:22:42
Yes Rick, please  put us on the list as well thank you .
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on April 28, 2017, 13:48:25
Hi Rick,

Please add Dolly & I, if you have not already done so, look forward to some more white wheel twirling....

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 66andBlue on April 28, 2017, 17:01:29
Hello Rick
please add 2 more to the list.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Drewtee on April 28, 2017, 17:06:29
and again, 2 more please  :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: RAY on April 28, 2017, 17:17:41
And again, 2 more please.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: sully on April 28, 2017, 17:34:02
Hi Rick
Two for me please


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on April 28, 2017, 19:57:21
Would like to join.   Please add us to the list:   Achim (114015) & Oz (Kampala) 

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Sweden_Mike on April 28, 2017, 22:06:43
I would also like to join. Two people..

Thanks, Mikael
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on April 28, 2017, 22:13:03
Just to be sure,
Yes!! Two to sign up.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: mbzse on April 29, 2017, 08:48:06
Quote from: Rick007
.../... a Euro Event from 27 to 30 September 2018 in "De Provence " France .../... If you would like to participate.../...
Yes please, for sure!
Two persons and an SL...  :)
/Hans S

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: MP on April 29, 2017, 09:01:18
Add us please Rick.( Maurice & Dawn )
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Larry & Norma on April 29, 2017, 17:54:26
Please add us to the list :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on April 30, 2017, 08:36:34
 :) :) :)
Merano Italy is in!

 TWO SPOTS for us:

Two cars 4 people

never been  in the Provence!!!! Time to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter and Johannes
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Kemal on April 30, 2017, 08:46:22
A big yes from Kemal & Lucy 😊
If it's not toooo late of course 😉

Now where did I put the suitcase 🙃
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Flyair on April 30, 2017, 14:41:47
Hi Rick,
Not sure if my previous message counts as request, but just in case this is to reconfirm our participation (2 people 1 car)

sounds like an excellent location, full of top class motoring places

BTW: do you have a more precise idea about the dates?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 02, 2017, 10:54:04
Hello Euro Event enthusiasts,

Yes we are working on the attendants list ... and we will handle every request seriously.
And it is a joy to see that almost all former attendees from 2014 and 2016  have signed in again .... we must have done something good.
And although the 2016 event will be hard to beat , that doesn't mean that we will not give it our best.

Our local member Pascal has found us a great Hotel which we think will tic all the boxes for the event . We will start the attendants list by sending out the invitations and deposit request starting today .... Afterward you will receive the usual flyer with more details .  Don't be alarmed when you have not received our personal message it may take a while ( 5 message limit ) 

But .... And I must quote our former President and organizer ,Co-organizer Mr. Peter van Es in this , because the same rules from 2016 imply for 2018 as well .

( Quote )       
If there is a limit on cars (which there may well be as it is tougher to organize for too many cars) then, hard though it may be:

•First come first serve, but...
•Full members overtake Associate members...
•Known attendees have an advantage over unknown people...
•Those who are anonymous... figure it out!

Additionally, as the program firms up, at some point commitment will be asked for. Prompt payers take precedence.

I'm posting this message as a 'Public Service Announcement', not as an official statement. The organizing committee and practical considerations (number of people that can be handled, hotel capacity, organizational ability) all add up to make a popular event like this very, very difficult to organize. Things may change, your mileage may vary...
( Unquote ) 

I'm sorry Peter but I couldn't have said it better then you in 2016 .... 

At the Moment we are sending out personal messages with payment requests for the deposit , so please respond to that mail. 

More info to follow ...

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on May 02, 2017, 13:14:49

I hope it is not too late to add my name to the list.  Two people and one Pagoda. Will ship my car over.

All the best,

Tom Sargeant
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 02, 2017, 13:24:12
Tom,  as one of our most dedicated and loyal attendees, it would not be the same without you  :)   

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on May 02, 2017, 16:20:08
As ever, Tom, it'll be great to see you and I again volunteer to drive your car to your chosen destination after the event ;)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Neil Thompson on May 02, 2017, 19:29:21
Deposit paid thanks Rick

Neil & Margaret
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on May 03, 2017, 17:29:12
Deposit paid ... and once I showed my wife the hotel website, she was fully on board. 

Only problem is, how do I break this news to my sister and friend Tim, my former co-pilots? Perhaps they can rent a Pagoda. :)

Just wish we didn't have to wait until we're all 16 months older!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 114015 on May 03, 2017, 20:55:02
Hey Rick,

Perfect !!!

Aslam (Oz, Kampala) and I want to attend for sure !  :) ;)

Ooops,... Aslam already confirmed that much earlier than I did ...


I am slow coach.  :o
Doing the deposit soon!

Looking very much forward to the Event!

Thanks so much in advance, Pascal, Rick, Paul and Peter !!!

(with 114015 or 113042 or both?)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on May 04, 2017, 02:03:01
Hi Rick,

Money send via PayPal

PS. Will attend alone, unfortunatly as of now my Pagoda will stay in Canada. Looking for a lift, or share a rental and cost for the event.

Thank you.


EDIT; Ignore the the Looking for a lift .... in my PS above, Garry Marks and I will attend in a fine Pagoda we have been offerd for the 2018 Euro Event
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: MP on May 04, 2017, 09:13:44
Hi Rick
Money sent via Paypal   4/5/17
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on May 04, 2017, 12:32:37
Thanks Rick and James for your kind words and offer.  Would not miss this event!!!

James, be careful about what you offer (even in jest) as I have been known to dump my car on unsuspecting helpers at the end of a Euro-event!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on May 04, 2017, 14:23:33
Hi Tom,

Should you have no offers to take TLC of your prized position and deposit it to a port of your choice for the return trip to Verginia USA, im sure Garry Marks and yours truly would look after that for you. Both of us are flying in for the event and I will plan (like I do this year for the Mosel Tour) a 4 week stay in Europe.

This of course goes 2 ways, should you and your wife ever plan a vacation in the Niagara Falls area I would be delighted to let you have my Pagoda too :) Much has changed (except for the falls) at Niagara Falls also many more great wineries have opened around the Niagara on the Lake area.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 05, 2017, 11:43:12
Dear Attendees ,

From all of us , thank you for the great response. 
The event filled up quicker then expected for those who received our mail but did not respond yet,  please do so.

Greetings from the 2018 ( yes its 2018 not this year  ;) ) Event Team


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Larry & Norma on May 05, 2017, 16:28:40
Deposit sent today  :) :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Aligator on May 05, 2017, 17:56:11
Hi Rick,
Please  put us on the list (if it is not too late) as well thank you .
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 10, 2017, 12:40:18
Hello All ,

As stated earlier the event filled up quicker then expected , so we're trying to extend the facilities .
For now we've put a few request on the reserve list, but we will contact you asap .

For the members who received a mail , again please respond to that and pay your deposit please , because only this will guarantee your place in the event .

And again please state you forum name with your payment !!!!   

Further we would like to thank everyone for the enthusiasm and great response .... that's what drives us !

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on May 10, 2017, 15:01:38
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Pentui on May 15, 2017, 11:36:40
Yes very interested, pencil me in please. John
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Audax on May 15, 2017, 11:47:58
Hello Rick
please add 2 more to the list.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on May 15, 2017, 16:48:03

I just hear about. the good news.
I hope. it is not too late !
Please send me the information.
Of course, as the event will be in France, I am ready to help if requested.

1 280 sl and 2 people
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: RAY on May 15, 2017, 17:55:16
Hi Rick,
Deposit paid, with thanks,
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on May 15, 2017, 20:24:36
All those who just found out about this event: sorry but you should check the forum more often.  :'(

See this message:

The event is full and there is a waiting list. Those who are in have already paid the deposit. Rick007 may put you on the waiting list if it is not unreasonable to do so, but PM him directly.

Sorry if the full member mailing put your hopes up!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 16, 2017, 11:29:33
Hello All ,

Yes as Peter stated the Event is full for now , however we are considering extending it with a few more places.
We will get in touch with everyone , fixed attendees and reserves , coming weeks. 

So please a little patience we will soon have more information concerning place. 

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team 
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 18, 2017, 13:35:13
Hello all ,

Well after long and careful hearing all parties,  and a lot of mail traffic we've managed 5 more places on our attendance list .
These will be filled up by our reserves ... and 35 will be the final number of cars we can manage on the event .

Don't forget we are talking cars so this means 70 people for hotel , dinners , lunches and stopovers on the tour.
What we mean to say is that we simply cannot handle any more cars , because of the danger it would go chaotic .... and that would serve nobody.

Off course we always have to disappoint some members who would really liked to attend ... and yes many loyal attendees have priority, so these events fill up quickly.
Still its more than a year away and much can happen in that year, so do place yourself on the reserve list .

For those who are on our list , we still need some Email addresses , shirt sizes etc etc ... So please check if you mailed us everything.
You will receive a confirmation for your payment.

Thank you for now and we will inform you about our progress  ...

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team .


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter on May 21, 2017, 12:00:23
Dear Rick, all organizers,

I sent Rick a mail May 15 to put me on the list, apparently this was not the right procedure.
Now the list is full, can you put me on the reserve list and send me the necessary information?

Many thanks, kind regards, Peter
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: sully on May 23, 2017, 15:23:26
Hi Rick
Deposit sent yesterday

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter on May 23, 2017, 17:48:38
Dear Rick,

Payment done.

Kind regards, Peter
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jeblack123 on May 23, 2017, 20:48:17
Hello, Rick

Will you place me on the standby list for 2. Thank you.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on May 24, 2017, 06:33:55
Will attend IF I can get a ride as a passenger.  I will be close by in Northern Italy during September.

This post is just to indicate that I am no longer looking for a passenger seat for the event.  I have been offered a car by a generous fellow member and have already paid my deposit to Rick. Looking forward to another great event. :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on May 24, 2017, 06:50:13

Is it possible to put out a list of attendees at this point?

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 24, 2017, 07:21:18
Yes a list will be published as soon as we have all the info from everyone , we're working on that .


The 2018 Euro Event Team   
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on May 24, 2017, 11:19:06

Please Note; Ignore the the Looking for a lift .... in my Reply Post #52 .... PS above, Garry Marks and I will attend in a fine Pagoda we have been offerd for the 2018 Euro Event

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 24, 2017, 11:35:38
Noted ......

And yes you are right we do take in account that some of you have teamed up .

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Flyair on May 24, 2017, 17:05:18
Dieter and Garry
Great to hear that you both will be there!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: G Kallis on June 12, 2017, 20:54:51
Hi Rick,
I would like to join  the group please if there is any space left,
Regards Gary.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on June 13, 2017, 10:47:55
Dieter and Garry
Great to hear that you both will be there!
Not so sure about Garry :P :P :P
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on June 13, 2017, 10:59:57
Just cos I said 280s are plastic fantastic’s and I like chrome.

Maybe we should have a section for Chrome heads ;D ;D ;D

Oh, and by the way, I believe it is a 230SL 5 speed that Rolf-Dieter and I will be in. Of course. 8)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Pagodadxb on July 09, 2017, 18:12:11
Hi Rick,
I know it's too late !?! :-[
I really like to join if there still space  :'(
Thanks ,
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jeblack123 on July 09, 2017, 21:00:10
Good afternoon, Rick,

Do have or have you published a formal standby list to know where we stand and can therefore gauge the likelihood of attending?


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on August 24, 2017, 16:26:56
Hi Rick,

I know you and the 2018 Euro Event Organizing Team are busy in your limited spare time (as time permits away from your busy lives) organizing a great event for us all. I'm wondering if any thought has been given to try in inviting Paul Bracq and his wife to the event? Our Polish Friends have managed now twice in doing so during there events. Just thinking out loud here. I know you have many other surprises planned for us :)


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JohnH1951 on September 06, 2017, 08:39:21
Looking forward to hearing more news on the 2018 event.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: rbouch8828 on September 18, 2017, 00:55:27
I understand that the Euro trip has been fully booked, but I would like to be added to the wait list in the event that there is a cancellation.

I had wanted to join the last trip to Italy, but I had been in the south of France for two months that spring, so I had spent as much time away as I could for that year.

If I could join the group for this event, I would try to make arrangements to stay on in Provence and the Côte d'Azure after the event.

Very kind regards,
Roland Boucher
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on October 10, 2017, 08:54:25
Hello All ,

Time to pick up things again where we left off. 
Before the summer the event filled up very quickly , and nobody has back out so far . So our reserve list is still growing .
I've visited the Hotel and surroundings this summer , just to be sure  ;) And I can safely say it ticks all the boxes.

We will proceed with the organization and will answer all open questions coming days , and keep you all posted .   

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Pawel66 on October 10, 2017, 10:20:15
Please put me +1 on the reserve list.

Suggest considering enlarging the main list due to uncontrolled enlargement of the reserve list  ;)

I am sure there is lots of accomodation opportunities there...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on October 10, 2017, 11:46:10
Yes... off course we still get wannabee attendees who ask us "why not extend the number of participants ?"   
Well its great that there are so many members who want to join , but its not that simple to handle a large group through winding mountain roads.
Secure parking space , lunch stops on the route we set out , are just a few things that come on our tracks organizing an event like this.
Then the Hotel must accommodate the attendees and have the rooms available in that period of time.

This being said ...We will investigate if we can extend it with a few more rooms and attendees ..

Keep you posted ...

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Pawel66 on October 10, 2017, 13:37:15
Look, of course it is not that simple!
Thank you for your patience and initiative!
Whatever will be - will be.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on January 28, 2018, 10:39:17
Just to confirm, the Provence event is still scheduled for Sept. 27-30, correct?  I had to dig deep into this thread to find the dates. And I don't want to have the wrong dates in my agenda!

Also, any confirmed cars coming from the Netherlands besides mine, Martijn's and Peter's? I'm eager to take part in any convoy from the BeNeLux region.

Happy Motoring!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on February 01, 2018, 19:07:54
Thank god is wasn't just me struggling to find the dates! But when I did, I plonked them in the title for the travel arrangements thread and it looks like we are in agreement.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jeblack123 on February 01, 2018, 20:02:30
Good afternoon all,

Any word on cancellations/waiting list?

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on February 05, 2018, 09:00:00
And we're back again ,

We must apologize for silence from the organizing team ... But that does not mean we didn't do anything.
For myself I had a lot of computer trouble and had to bring it all back in shape and running again , but this is all been taking care of for now.

So what's the status so far :

Well first of all some good news ..  The event is very well alive and still receive requests to participate , in the light of that  we were able to get another 5 more rooms
to accommodate 5 more teams on our reserve list .  I will get in contact with these members via pm this week.

Then we are reaching the time for the second payment . I will send everyone an update and request for that, so hold on we will get in contact with you all via your own mail.
Remember that payments should be in by 25th of March.     

In the meanwhile , Pascal ,Paul and myself are working on our Program and things are getting to go where we what them , we have some great plans and ideas so come September we will have a great program.

For now we would like to thank everyone for their patience ... but we will keep you posted on a somewhat regular basis now :).

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on February 05, 2018, 09:07:49
Rick, thanks for the update. We appreciate all the hard work that goes into planning these fun events.

If you need any help with editing the program materials in English, let me know. It's what I do!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on February 06, 2018, 08:01:00
Hello Brian ,

Yes I know my English is a but crude , but we know where to find you for help   :)... Thank you .
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on February 06, 2018, 11:50:16
Ah, Rick, English your fine is. My English better even! I disposal be at ...

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on February 17, 2018, 09:43:09

Does anyone  know the nearest large town to our September 2018 Event Location please ?

as I am starting to plan our trip, and it would be helpful to know the target.


Paul & Dolly
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on February 17, 2018, 13:07:37

That would be Niece, France

And here will be our hotel as I understand it, some 73 KM from Niece.

Here ——>!e.ZzZz.4400001819264.0.183205264512..can_eng_int_pt_dsa_feed&gclid=CjwKEAjw_6XIBRCisIGIrJeQ93oSJAA2cNtMD7Qo-y8y3IvUx0C_qrukoqgl3mKQgvA66Bg4QXeHzxoCSyvw_wcB#chkin=14%2F09%2F2018&chkout=16%2F09%2F2018&adults=2&children=0&ts=1493865813338


I think the Organizing Team will soon provide more details as Rick mentioned in one of his last posts above.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jeblack123 on March 02, 2018, 22:52:54
Good afternoon, Rick,

Still wondering if there is a formal standby list that can be referenced to see how far down the list I may be and thus the likelihood of a spot opening up?


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on March 20, 2018, 10:55:40
If you are still on the waiting list for the European Event, may I draw your attention to an alternative event being organised by members of our club in Poland, in August. For more details, read:

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on March 22, 2018, 15:04:36
Ah, Rick, English your fine is. My English better even! I disposal be at ...


Yoda, you are.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on April 09, 2018, 12:32:38
Hello All ,

Yes there is a reserve list , and yes one place came available recently.
And we are waiting for one more confirmation

So the first one on the list will be contacted .  From top to bottom for now it looks like this ;

1 Andre
2 Walter March
3 Pentui
4 Audax
5 Bartv
6 Pagoda Dubai
7 jeblack123
8 rbouch8828
9 Pawel66

The attendee list , by forum name , will be published shortly.

Greetings from the Euro Event team .

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 17, 2018, 06:48:46
Dear Euro Event attendees ,

A small update for now ....

Summer has arrived and within 4 months we will all meet in the south of France .

As we speak we are working on the itinerary for the event .  Paul and Pascal will scout the
stops and the route next month so there will be no surprises when we visit the region.

At the moment we're reaching the point of no return for our attendees .
Meaning that we cannot guarantee a refund after this month , when cancelling or if for what ever reason attending is not possible.

This is how the attendee list , by forum name ,  looks for now ;

Rick007  , Pablo02 , Gnuface , Peter van Es , Neelyrc , Martijn & JohhnyB , Tom , Achim114015 & Kampala , mbzse , JJD , Mazmona ,
griffin1404 , brianinnl , Naj , Kemal , Garry , Drewtee , Marilyn , 66andblue , Suedtiroler , hgabet , Star63 , Sweden mike , Khajenouri,
JamesL , Andre , Pascal Feraud , 450SL , jmbour , Sully , Simax  ,

These are the members we received full payment and a guarantee to attend .

Then please mail your shirt size !   for those who did not do this all ready .
We want to look sharp at the Event , and avoid very small or very big shirts for some  :)

keep you posted ....

Greetings from the ,

The 2018 Euro Event team


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on May 17, 2018, 08:36:08

I am a bit disturbed,

I cannot see my name on your list....

Paladin    (Paul & Dolly)

Please respond..

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 17, 2018, 08:55:58
Hi Paul ,

Yes and I do apologize .... Paladin is on the list as well . 

Greetings ... 
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 17, 2018, 09:11:24

Here is the updated attendee list by forum name , for now ;

Rick007  , Pablo02 , Gnuface , Paladin ,  Peter van Es ,  Neelyrc ,  Martijn & JohhnyB , Tom ,  Achim114015 & Kampala ,  mbzse ,  JJD , Mazmona ,
 griffin1404 ,  brianinnl , Naj ,  Kemal ,  Garry ,   Drewtee ,  Marilyn ,  66andblue ,  Suedtiroler ,  hgabet ,  Star63 , Sweden mike , Khajenouri,
JamesL , Andre , Johnny pagoda, Pascal Feraud , 450SL , jmbour , Sully , Simax  ,
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on May 17, 2018, 13:01:06
I assume that Rick only shows the “Drivers” name, perhaps that is why I am also not on the list. At least I hope that is the case.

However, the list shows also “Martijn & Johnny B”  .... "Achim114015 & Kampala" so I am slightly confused.

I’m Sure Rick wlll clarify.

Dieter (Rolf-Dieter)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 17, 2018, 15:48:05
Ooops yes

And to reassure you Rolf-Dieter  ...  Your co-piloting with Garry. 

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Larry & Norma on May 18, 2018, 17:40:19
Hi Rick,

Teeshirt sizes

Ladies : Medium
Mens : Large


Larry and Norma (Gnuface)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on May 19, 2018, 00:08:07
Just want to re-confirm, with the folks that are sharing a ride, that is Martijn and me, we sure hope to get two of the rally plates, for each of our "Wall of Fame" - common speak = garage.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 22, 2018, 06:04:37
Hello All ,

Well shirt sizes are pouring in  ... Everyone wants look sharp  :)     Thank you.

As for the number of teams, we had some last minute cancelations , so we worked the waiting list.
But apparently all made other plans for September ... so we have 1 or maybe 2 more places left .

If there are still some members who want to attend send me a PM. 
We will keep these places in option until the end of this Month ( 31th of Mai ), after that we have to close the attendee list.

Greetings from the 2018 Euro Event Team


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jowe on May 22, 2018, 18:35:16
We will keep these places in option until the end of this Month ( 31th of Mai ), after that we have to close the attendee list.

Where can I find more info about this event (dates, program, fees, ...)? Couldn't find any on the Events section in TM or in the forum.  ??? I could be interested to join...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 23, 2018, 15:29:06
PM send ...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on May 24, 2018, 10:06:23
Is JamesL really attending? 8)

We lost him in the italian alps 2016!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on May 29, 2018, 17:29:20
That's the plan! And I am still upset I missed your event as it is such a stunning part of the world.

Indeed I am also trying to get more details of activities as I am making travel plans. Mrs JamesL will be flying to/from Nice and I need to know when to book the outbound. Nominally, I'd do a morning flight on Friday 28th and out late on the 30th but if there's a cabaret that Rick is hosting on the Thursday night...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on May 30, 2018, 06:23:04
PM send James ..

But to react on your " Cabaret "suggestion ... Great I'l ask Paul to preform a little stand up show for us  :)
And yes it would be nice to have you both there on time on Thursday evening, since you missed out in 2016 .

Greetings ..

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jeblack123 on June 02, 2018, 22:18:58

Sorry, out of the country with sporadic internet. I know you stated end of June, but are there any spots left.


James (Eddie) Black
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on June 04, 2018, 13:59:58
PM  send
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: sully on June 04, 2018, 16:41:47
Hi Rick

T-Shirt sizes

Ladys midum
Man Large please.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on June 13, 2018, 13:02:41
Many of you have driven in France and know that driving here is not exactly like driving in many other countries.  There is the Right Way, the Wrong Way and the French Way

For those of you who have never driven in France, or for those who wondered why you were being cursed or honked at routinely while driving in France -- thought I would provide the most basic of rules to help our Pagoda crews navigate the south of France with a little more ease this September.

The main rule that confuses many is ‘Priorité à droite’ (Priority to the right).   What this basically means is that a car entering the street you are driving on, from your right, has the right-of-way (with some exceptions).  So picture this - you are driving on a large 3 or 4 lane road and someone from a single lane road on your right can cut across all 4 lanes without stopping at the intersection and all 4 lanes of traffic must give-way because ‘Priorité à droite’.   They have the right of way. 

This is the most confusing point at round-a-abouts.  Typically, most non-French, are used to having the right-of-way once in a round-a-about.  Not the case in France (with exceptions).  Many round-a-bouts must give way to any car entering from the right - even if the round-a-about is 5 lanes and the entering car is coming from a single lane. 

There are exceptions to add to the confusion.  If there is a solid line at the intersection in front of a car entering your street from the right, that car MUST stop.  If there is a broken line in front of the car entering on your right, that car must yield (give way).   However, if there is no line, that car has right of way -‘Priorité à droite' and you must give way.

Some signs also change this rule.     There are hundreds of road signs but there are 3 or 4 that will make driving in France much easier.    If interested, see these links as they explain with photos the most basic ‘Priorité à droite’ signage exceptions.    These are in English.

For fun, those that want a taste of 10 questions out of the hundreds and hundreds of "code de la route"  (driving code) practice test - here's a youtube link in French.

And for those who want a laugh - here's  a video of the very large round-a-about in Paris with ‘Priorité à droite’ in action.    I know we won't be driving near Paris - so take this with a grin.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on June 13, 2018, 13:28:55
Thanks Oz, for the guidance.

Do you think we should we be concerned that our cars are too old to be allocated a "crit air" class,so cannot have a sticker.,do you think we will be transiting any of the controlled locations ?


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on June 13, 2018, 15:36:55

I thank you, and Martijn's Pagoda thanks you!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on June 13, 2018, 15:56:49
Thank you Oz!

Great information. I shall with your permission incorporate your notes in my PDF file (that I am assembling with addresses, lunch stops, gas stops and routes etc) to the individuals that will partisipate in the trip to the Paul Bracq Ateliers after the Euro Event. One of our members living in the south of France Jean-Michel B. has helped me greatly arranging our 2 day trip, your notes will help all to be aware of some of the traffic laws. Our plan is to divide the group into 3 separate groups of 3 and or 4 cars to make it easier to navigate the route.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on June 13, 2018, 23:56:51
Thanks Oz, great explanation and the Etoile video is special.  There is only one rule, keep your eye on your right front fender and let all comers pass!

When I lived in Paris, I didn’t allow any visitor from out of town the free use of my car until he could prove his prowess at negotiating Etoile.  Most wouldn’t ask after a couple of rush hour trips through with me.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on June 14, 2018, 06:24:11
The bit of video of the round about is quite funny.  There is an accident at about the 42 second mark at the botton centre of the picture where people get out of the cvar and there is an obvious discussion in the middle of the traffic and they all get back in their cars and leave..

Good advice Oz, have driven in France a few times and could not quite worek out why they kept coming out of side streets at me from the right with out a care in the world.  I always just thought it was a French thing...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on June 14, 2018, 13:19:09

Regarding the "crit air" - at the moment this only applies to Paris (within the city, inside of ring road) and Grenoble.   This does not apply outside these two cities.   Also,  the standing rule in these cities is that ANY car can drive in daily without pollution restriction except on "emergency" days when high pollution levels are detected, when only certain vehicles will be allowed in.    They announce these emergency days and the lighted signs on the highways will announce the restriction.   In the past many years, I've only seen the restriction implemented 3 or 4 days total.   They might increase the restrictions going forward.  They use to do it with odd/even license plates before the "crit air" stickers.

So - I don't see any impact to our Pagoda folks.   Even if a high pollution day lands during our event, the restriction would be local to Paris & Grenoble.   Bordeaux was planning to join the "crit air" sometime in 2018 but the restriction rules are expected to be the same.   

At the moment, the only daily restriction is for commercial heavy vehicles that are required to stay out from the restricted zones 08:00 until 20:00.

you are right, watch out for that right fender - doing that will keep you out of most trouble.  Not exercising  the "right of way" when it's yours, if you are entering from right side, can also cause problems, as others will not understand why you stopped. etc.     

I didn't want to complicate things for those who are use to driving in France - just wanted to give a heads up and some simple thoughts that will put some logic into what looks crazy - but really isn't.   

you are welcome to include what you like, but my feeling is that you will not need to as by the time we head off to Bordeaux, the crews will have been driving in France for quite some time.   It will just add clutter to your deck of more important information.   

Looking forward to the end of summer - well, not really end of "summer," but until the event in September.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on June 14, 2018, 15:50:13
Thanks Oz,

There is little understanding here in UK about the French "Crit Air" only the usual xenophobic screams about potential scary fines .....

Keep well, really looking forward to seeing everyone again in September.

Paul & Dolly
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on June 15, 2018, 09:22:05
Hello all !

On the question of the "priorité à droite", I think Paladin is a bit exaggerating.

This rule doesn't apply anymore on main roads, because small adjacent roads have a "stop" or "leave way" sign, except for the well known "place de l'Etoile" and in small towns. French people doesn't drive the same way in Paris as in the south of France. Be carefull, as you must be everytime you drive in a foreign country, and it will be Okay.

As the "crit'air" rule is concerned : all cars registered before 1997 can't have a crit'air sticker, so they are banned from the zones applying the crit'air rule, that means Paris and Grenoble for the moment.  The ban applies from 8 :00 a.m. to 8 : 00 p.m. on week days, not on saturday and sunday, and cars with a "collector" or "historic" license plate are exempted.

So our pagodas are concerned in theory, if they have a stantard registration or license plate.
In practice, I don't think a pagoda with a foreign license plate would be controlled and fined.

In fact, you will have to worry only if you intend to enter Paris or Grenoble on a weekday between 8 : 00 a.m. and 8 : 00 p.m.

Looking forward to see all of you in September
Hope you will enjoy the trip


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on June 15, 2018, 12:16:24

I did not comment on the "prioritie a droite"..,.but on the " crit air"

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on June 16, 2018, 05:50:15
I'm the guilty exaggerator.   

As an expat in France, it might take me a few more years for 'priorte a droite' to become second nature at every uncontrolled intersection. 

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on June 16, 2018, 12:14:41
Yes, I meant Kampala, sorry for Paladin.

I find the "priorité à droite" natural, as I am used to it.
But I understand that it could be confusing, mainly because it does not apply everywhere, only at non controlled (no sign, no traffic light) intersections.
I had myself to re-learn when I came back from the US (where you can find 4 stops at one intersection) some time ago.

But during the euro event, I think there will  be no problem, as we will use small country roads, and you could concentrate on the scenery instead of the road signs.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on July 05, 2018, 11:47:27
Hello to all attendees ,

We're very pleased to say that everything is going as planned and we are proud to say that we have a very nice and entertaining 2018 event ahead.

Paul and Pascal visited the region and have put together a great route and booked some very nice places for stops and places to visit.
Our hotel will be right up our ally ( I do know my attendees  :) ) and is very "Provence Atmosphere " .  Off course we cannot not reveal to much but it will be very entertaining.

We will send everyone a mail with all the details before we take of , so please be patient it will be send on time. 

For now we are going to enjoy our holiday over here ,and are looking forward seeing you all in France in September.

Best regards from the 2018 Pagoda Euro Event Team .


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on August 20, 2018, 16:45:18
Last Minute

One of our most loyal attendees had to cancel their appearance at our 2018 Euro Event .
This off course is very unfortunate , but these things can happen .

So we have a place open for a member who wants to attend at our Event in the South of France the 27th of September.
Off course we reached out for our reserve list ...but if you do not respond ?! ...we have to move on,  especially on such a short notice.

First com first serve ... so send us an PM .

The 2018 Euro Event Team

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on August 22, 2018, 20:12:50

For those planning to enter France from Italy via Ventimiglia using the scenic coastal Mediterranean Autostrada (A10) please note:

Due to the major bridge collapse at Genoa at the beginning of the A10 Autostrada, travelers from the North and Northeast of Italy and points further North and East in Europe should plan to avoid Genoa proper.  This can be accomplished by entering the A10 Autostrada at Voltri, West of Genoa using the A26 Autostrada from the North.  Attached is a screen shot of a map where I have arbitrarily shown the starting point as Verona and the end point as our event location in France.  Depending on your departure point you can determine where best to enter the A26.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on August 23, 2018, 03:05:56

Thanks for the heads up.  I thought of you when I learned of this tragic event in your hometown.

If one is coming from Milano, would the route depicted by the blue line allow us to avoid the impacted area of Genoa?

Look forward to seeing you again in September.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on August 23, 2018, 06:17:28
Tom, the simple answer is, “yes”. 

If you depart Milan for Genoa on the A7, the most direct autostrada to Genoa, you can join the blue line by turning west on A21 at Tortona and then turning South on to the A26 just West of Alessandria or alternatively continue on the A7 past the A21 exit for about another 10 km and turn West on the A7/A26 link road which will take you directly to the Main A26 more directly.

A screen shot of this area is attached.

See you soon!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 114015 on August 23, 2018, 23:03:05

One of our most loyal attendees had to cancel their appearance at our 2018 Euro Event .

who quitted?


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on August 24, 2018, 14:29:19

Thanks for the confirmation!  Looking forward to seeing everyone next month.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on August 30, 2018, 09:19:40
Hello Everyone ,

Well the Event-flyer and info is send out to our attendees , so please check your Email !
If by chance you did not received it, please send us a message, or a PM, and we will resend.

From our end we're ready and hoping that all will get to our meeting point without any troubles , so make sure your car is in good health.
No trailer queens here right ( Martijn  :) )

We have the most beautiful roads and places to visit in the Provence, with great views and hopefully nice weather. No hardtops please  ;)   

And to answer your question Achim , the spot is still open and although there is a lot of interest, the timing is a bit last minute so we wait and see.
The member did not quitted just like that , health issues prohibited them. Which is regrettable because its a loyal member of the Euro Events .
But there is still a small chance that they will attend , so I will not reveal who it is at this point.

By the way what a great initiative to drive up to Paul Braq on the way back , wish we could join. 

We are all looking forward to see you all in France .

The 2018 Pagoda Euro Event Team

Rick , Paul and Pascal


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on September 02, 2018, 19:04:15
Thank you for the additional details - it has helped our planning

It looks like I have a spare co-driver seat available for the Friday drive as T won't arrive at the hotel until after lunch and given the option of trying to find us all somewhere in Provence or go to the hotel for a spa treatment...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on September 06, 2018, 11:09:17
Just to let you all know that we are complete again . 
The attendee that gave up his spot, due to health issues , is recovering so well and decided to join us after all.

So good news ... See you all in France 
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Larry & Norma on September 14, 2018, 15:20:17
Ok so now I am trying to figure out how to get clothes for two people
over 14 days into my car? :-\
 What is dress code for the Gala evening on Saturday
Someone had to ask! ;)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 114015 on September 14, 2018, 19:57:50
What is dress code for the Gala evening on Saturday
Someone had to ask! ;)

Jeans an Tee shirt... 8)  ???
....That's what I have got. :o

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 114015 on September 14, 2018, 19:58:41
Just to let you all know that we are complete again .
The attendee that gave up his spot, due to health issues , is recovering so well and decided to join us after all.

So good news ... See you all in France

Yipeee !!!! :D ;D ;)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on September 14, 2018, 20:20:11

Will it be fine to show up with a bathing suit and a nice evening tie, I mean if temperatures are 40 C. and 100% Humidity one needs to be comfy yes ~grin~

Seriously ... I think Rick will get back to us I'm sure. Personally, I will pack very light whatever I can master to pack into this little carry on bag. I may bring my old blue Blaser if I still fit into it LOL ... I traveled a lot in my life on business and have scary memories of various airlines losing my bag only to be reunited with it on my return trip. Something I can ill afford on this trip.


So whatever fits into this little bag goes the rest will stay behind.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 114015 on September 14, 2018, 20:32:58

Perfect decision, Rolf-Dieter.  :D ;D ;D

Fully agree here!

Looking very much forward to soon seeing you again !!


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on September 15, 2018, 14:36:04
Fully on board (as it were). Backpack and carry-on are it. The watch word will be casual, no tuxedo this time. I don't remember the last time I checked a bag.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on September 15, 2018, 23:30:10
About the same size as mine as well. Carry on only.  Sorry Rick, no tux this time..
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on September 16, 2018, 21:31:31
Here in Europe we have a slightly different worry!  What is the biggest cooler we can fit in the boot for the prosecco, beer and/or other goodies for the drive to Provence. ;)
The Tux can wait for the Christmas party!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on September 17, 2018, 07:15:10
Dress code is casual guys ... No tuxes  :)

Looking forward seeing you all . 
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on September 17, 2018, 07:56:23
Now I have to re-pack ;)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on September 17, 2018, 08:49:40

There you are.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on September 17, 2018, 11:33:10
OMG! Is Peter going to show up in those high white boots??? Or in polka dots?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on September 18, 2018, 07:56:37
Hi all ,

Well besides your flashy outfits  8)   I just got the message that our road books are printed in the category " use with magnifying glass " .
So maybe handy to take one with you  :) 

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on September 20, 2018, 14:51:40
we are ready out here! Cars are checked well! Last weekend we did a Dolomite Run!
Therefore be aware!
Happy to see evrybody.

Johannes and Peter
South Tyrol
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on September 20, 2018, 21:23:59
Great warmup event Peter and Johannes! Thanks for posting the pictures. Brings back memories of our great 2016 event in Merano. 

Looking forward to meeting  you in Arenzano next Thursday noon for lunch and the run to Chateau de Taulane in Provence. 
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on September 21, 2018, 00:34:37
Some final thoughts ....-

Much has been written prior to the past Euro Events by Peter and others that the cars should be in top shape etc. No need to address this again. I have some pointers that arrived by e-mail to me that I shared with drivers of our group that will drive from the Euro Event after our breakfast on Sunday Sept 30 to the the Paul Bracq Aleliers in Bordeaux. Celebrating a Family affair here by a glass of read I was thinking why not share it here with the group, some have not driven in France before. My last trip by car from Frankfurt to Paris was in the late 90s 

Anywhay here are some pointers for those of you not having driven in France before .....

As we are now close to the event, it is time to give those participants who are not used to travel in France some useful recommendations;

- don't bring with you a lot of money.

A credit card is necessary. With it you could get some cash from ATMs.

You will need cash, but in general, you will have to use a credit card to buy fuel, and to pay highway tolls (almost all are automated, and some don't take cash).

More important : fuel stations and highway tolls accept only visa and mastercard (no exotic card, including AMEX).

- Avoid buying fuel on highways :

 it is a lot more expensive. You will find high octane fuel (super 98), medium octane (super 95), and super 95 E10.
Don't take 95 E 10 , it contains 10 % ethanol !. For a Pagoda, 98 is recommendeď, but you could also use 95 for a short distance.
(Our group has planned fuel stops going west to Bordeaux).

- Cell and Smart Phones;

People with smartphones (android or apple) will be able to communicate (maybe with a surcharge), but not get access to data or the internet (except at the hotels through wifi). (For our Group in case of a problem on the road, we have (the originator of the recommendations here) to be the focal point, as he will have a permanent access to the internet.

It will be nice to have a list of participants with their phone numbers (our group has shared the phone numbers and I will provide a hard copy to drivers for the trip west after the Euro Event.

- Finally, don't forget to bring a charger for your Ipad, smartphone, or GPS, including a car charger, to plug in the cigarette lighter (navigation apps use a lot of power).

And as Rick mentioned a magnifying glass is always helpful :) At my age I make a list and check it several times :)

I like to add one item ... last year on our Mosel Tour Peter H. While having a great roadmap planned for our GPS systems Ihard copies for everyone), we came up with a last minute safety plan and that was ....

A) Heinrich B, and his Pagoda (my driver) we left the hotel last to make sure no one got stranded along the way of the 35 cars plus.

B) every passengier kept an eye on the car behind (most of the cars in our group did have a RHS mirror) to make sure there was no problem.

Our group only got split in half when we came to a construction site there was a driver with a slight confusion otherwise our plan worked like a charm during Peter H. planned drive first a short stratch along the Rhein for a spell then over to the Mosel and back to the hotel.

Nothing left to be said, happy trails and I have it on good authorities that the weather man/Lady is on our side :)

Bon Voyage see you in Province ...


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on September 21, 2018, 08:12:27
Hello all ,

Thank you Rolf-Dieter for your pointers , very helpful indeed  :)

Then for some practical tips ;  We just received a message from our man at site    Pascal .
This morning it was 1 degree Celsius at Taulane ... So a bit chilly in the morning .   
Temperature's drop to almost freezing at night , and go up to a 22..24 C at midday. So do pack some warm clothes as well !

Also and you may know or not know , since 2012 it is a legal requirement in France to have a alcohol breath analyzer in your car .
These things are disposals and you can get them at gas stations at the borders.
Also :  a emergency warning triangle and a fluorescent safety vest for each passenger     
A fire extinguisher or first aid box are not legal required , but maybe good sense to have with you.

About 1,5 km from Taulane there is a gas station so there you can fill up.
So please make sure you have a full tank of gas when start on Friday , because there are hardly no gas stations at the tour.

Further more our road book will provide you with all the info you need , so you can enjoy the tour we set out.
Since everyone does have a navigation system nowadays, or at least a telephone with navigation options , we won't get lost .

That's it for now .... we may get back to you if we have some more updates .

We are leaving tomorrow and will stay at the cote d ázur until Thursday , to check out the weather for our attendees off course  8)   

Looking forward seeing you all , and we will await your arrival at Talaune .

The 2018 Pagoda Euro Event Team .....


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: csjose on September 21, 2018, 17:13:31
Good pictures of SL crossing The Dolomites.....please keep posting photos of Euro event reminds me my RV Tour I did around Europe in 1992 when Expo Seville.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on September 22, 2018, 09:22:48
Hi all ,

Don't worry about the alcohol analyzer, this regulation is no more enforced !
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on September 24, 2018, 06:04:35
Yesterday Karin and I started driving to the south of France, as part of our vacation. However, it looks like autumn just started. There was so much rain, all day, that roads were inundated, especially in Metz, our first stopping point.

In Belgium we witnessed three cars involved in one-car accidents, all exiting the motorway at too high a speed and slipping and doing a 180, facing the wrong way, in a ditch etc. One fairly new BMW had all its airbags deployed (making it a fairly sure write-off). Another car had hit the separation barrier between the motorway and the exit, leaving a huge hole in the nose where the engine was meant to be.

Needless to say, we drove pretty carefully. However, in Metz itself I needed to drive the Pagoda through this ford to get to our hotel. Weather expectations for the rest of the week are: good, dry and sunny  8)

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on September 24, 2018, 10:42:59
WOW Peter that looks like a lot of water on the road, hope the rest of your drive is smooth sailing (not meant the way it sounds) :) Dieter

See you in Province where I'm told the forecast will be fine, still, I'll bring my (Knirps) umbrella along just in case.

Woke up early this morning (getting used to the time change). Compiled some interesting statistics using Rick's list and our great forum for the numbers :)

Participants (Names on Rick’s list - does not necessarily equal cars or passengers) = 33

Country of origin (drivers not cars)


Pagode / Pagoda’s number of cars shown here represent cars owned by participants, some own 2 cars (only one was taken in account). Also there are 5 idrivers coming from the US as far as I know only one car is part of the Event having been shipped from the US. So  this count is not too accurate ;)

230 SL = 6
250 SL = 8   
280 SL = 14
Not known = 3

2018 Euro Event Members joined Pagoda SL Group

2003 = 8
2004 = 3
2005 = 1
2006 = 1
2007 = 1
2008 = 3
2009 = 2
2010 = 2
2011 = 2
2012 = 1
2013 = 4
2014 = 2
2015 = 1
2016 = 2
2017 = 1

Some of you have left already like Peter, others will leave tomorrow by way of an airplane. However, you travel, travel safely and avoid if you can the rain.

See you in Province,


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on September 24, 2018, 15:29:12
How to grill a steak :French style

Lots of rain yesterday, lovely sunshine today
Now at Montlucon

Paul, Dolly, Larry, Norma
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Neil Thompson on September 24, 2018, 20:38:41
Peter your journey looks dreadful, we took the hull zeebrugge ferry today to find sunshine in Belgium, travelled south, had lunch in Laon then through the Champagne region for an overnight in Troyes where we bumped into Sully in a restaurant by chance. All good so far

Neil & Margaret
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on September 25, 2018, 06:38:09
I am out of here at last.

Leaving Melbourne, Australia in two hours for Nice via Dubai UAE.
See everyone tomorrow evening for some drinks..... 8) 8) ;D

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on September 25, 2018, 13:32:04
Well good to hear everyone is on their way and in good spirit despite the weather ...

We are already here and enjoying beautiful weather...

Bon voyage guys .
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on September 25, 2018, 14:40:14
Was just packing the car of journey essentials (mainly phone chargers...) and had a thought - indeed a thought I should have had ages ago...

I have a spare seat in the car on Friday  :-\  My beloved arrives lunchtime on Friday and has opted to head for a facial in the hotel spa rather than have a cab try to hunt me down somewhere in Provence for the afternoon.

So anyone with good eyes and a decent sense of direction will be most welcome to join me! Otherwise I am looking to follow a Pagoda with top navigating skills and a heavy right foot  ;D

Let me know if you are after a Friday seat. I am on gmail... adogap
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: star63 on September 25, 2018, 16:42:00
Stayed last night by the lake Como and just landed in Savona. our room number is, naturally, ...

Looking forward to seeing you all soon! 
Maritta & Petri  :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on September 25, 2018, 19:22:57
We will depart to morrow morning from the Dordogne valley through Rodez, Millau, Montpellier, to a night stop in Nimes.
Only problem : how to store all the bags that Laurette had packed.
The trunk is definitely too small for everything.
The solution : the spare wheel will stay home !
In fact, I never had to use it since I got my Pagoda 21 years I hope I will not need it !
See you all on thursday.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on September 26, 2018, 11:19:27
Ready to start
Loaded trunk:

Speck Parmigiano
local bread

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on September 26, 2018, 13:22:38
You guys ,always afraid that you get starved underway ... :)

Wel I can tell you we will be driving in good food and excellent wine country, so don’t worry 😉
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on September 26, 2018, 16:15:40
Save a little bit for us! In Aix-les-Bains tonight. Meeting Oz and Achim here for dinner, then driving in , in the morning.

Jon, Brian and Martijn
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on September 26, 2018, 17:01:19
Rick this is only a present 🎁 for the Ex-presidente!
You know hes in love 😍 with that stuff!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JJD on September 26, 2018, 19:24:57
On Monday we drove of to Paris Bercy to put the Pagoda on the autotrain. Then we left from Gare de Lyon with the TGV to St Raphael where we stayed in a hotel to collect the Pagoda the next day. After a 10 minute drive to Fréjus we parked the car in the garage of the apartment we rented for a few days, so it could rest from its tiring train ride 😀😀
In the meantime we enjoy the beach an the boats in the harbor plus the restaurants... One of them has over 150 different rums on display👍👍
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on September 26, 2018, 20:07:20
I didn’t know the auto train still ran. I used it a couple of times from Calais to Brive and Nice, but know it no longer runs from Calais
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JJD on September 27, 2018, 05:50:25
It does James! It's a good service they offer!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on September 27, 2018, 06:35:00
Hello everyone,

Arrived a day early at our lovely hotel (well done Rick, Pascal & Paul!).  We are in for quite a treat.

For the navigator, note that on our approach to the hotel (2-3 KM out), my navigation sent us on a trek down a gravel road.  I had a 2nd navigation going (Waze) and it said to go the other way.  I should have listened to Waze.  I don't know how I managed to find this gravel road.  You are not likely to repeat this, but if you are near the hotel and start to proceed down gravel, stop and take the other route (which appears shorter anyway).

Looking forward to seeing everyone this evening.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on September 27, 2018, 12:54:51
Picked up the car at a Friend‘s vacation residence near Nice, France that I will be sharing with Garry Marks from Australia for the next 2 weeks on our 2018 Euro Tour in France.the little 53 year old Mercedes 230SL drives like a charm. We now arrived at the Chateau were we will be staying for the next 3 days then our trip will take us west to Bordeaux to visit the Paul Bracq Ateliers. It should be a great two weeks driving the back roads in France after having meet old friends and meeting new ones during our 2018 Euro Event,

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: csjose on September 27, 2018, 18:17:05
I'm enjoying your South of France Tour Pagoda trip as if I were is a familar road for me....keep sending your postings.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on September 28, 2018, 10:06:38
Fixed Broken cooler belt on Autostrada in Verona!😎😎😎 yesterday! Did 30 km with it!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Mike Hughes on September 28, 2018, 12:48:49
That's the way to do it! Use a little ingenuity by the side of the road!  Once a friend lost a belt on his M.G. TC on an M.G. tour.  He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt with a tie cord for the hoodie.  He pulled the cord out and tied it around the pulleys, just like you did, and continued on to that evening's stop without incident.  Another participant donated his spare belt and the cord went back into the hoodie.  He still has that sweatshirt, complete with (somewhat stretched) tie cord!

Wishing all you guys a great tour!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on September 30, 2018, 14:45:34
The Merano “gang” in good spirits at an afternoon coffee stop near Monaco several hours after Peter March’s fan belt incident in Verona, Italy.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on September 30, 2018, 15:25:03
We left Chateau de Taulane for Italy at 10:00 AM this morning in a five car caravan, all white Pagodas!  The four Merano cars plus Simon from Prague.  We stopped in Arenzano, Italy at 1:00 pm for a fine lunch of typical Genovese dishes (and a drop or two of Vermentino).

Flora and I said our goodbyes to the group and boarded our trusty Hilux for Lavagna.  We arrived safely at home in Lavagna at 4:00 PM.  The rest of the group proceeded on to Merano where they should arrive at about 8:00 PM.

What a wonderful weekend! I will post a few pictures when I have sorted through them.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on September 30, 2018, 16:07:55
Delighted you’re home safe Ralph

I am now in Macon, after a 6 hour run up the Route Napoleon and Autoroute. Torrential rain around Grenoble had me driving on an autoroute at about 30mph following the white lines. Very scary stuff for about 20 minutes. And a huge difference in weather from our weekend
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on September 30, 2018, 16:53:07
Thank you for the note, happy you are both safe.  Hopefully your run the rest of the way home will be much better. 

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on September 30, 2018, 17:10:22
She flew from Nice! Plane delayed but I am driving alone
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 05:54:34
👍Stay safe James!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 06:13:18
Late morning Friday, September 28.  On the rim of Gorges du Verdon. Spectacular!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 06:36:02
Mid-morning wine stop (a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you🥂)!  Pas de la Faye, Route D6085.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 06:58:55
Churches, Friday afternoon, September 28, the village of Moustiers-Sainte-Marie. Note the star suspended above the church on the mountain.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 07:10:25
Sorry about that sideways church above. :-\
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on October 01, 2018, 12:54:22
This was yet another amazing European event and many thanks to our organizers for putting on a great show!  Peter, on your ingenious roadside repair-nice work.

But no one asked why you had a spare pantyhose to use as a fan belt.  Not that there is anything wrong with this...

Looking forward to 2020!


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on October 01, 2018, 13:34:30

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: BlackJack on October 01, 2018, 13:58:35
Wow! That's a great picture. What a beauty. Are your windows tinted?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 14:38:04
Beautiful shot James.  Is this John K’s car?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: pj on October 01, 2018, 14:45:24
Looks like it was an amazing weekend.

Could you guys post somewhere the routes you drove? Nowadays with Google View, it's fun to follow such. And who knows, maybe someday the rest of us will get our chance to go to the same places
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on October 01, 2018, 16:17:00
I had no idea who it belonged to - I just snapped it as I walked past reception on Thursday

Think it's the Dutch car that had the gearbox issue and I think the only one hardtopped...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 16:18:10
Could you guys post somewhere the routes you drove.....

The road book is about 15 pages and I don’t think the maps would be readable if scanned. 

Perhaps the esteemed event organizing committee-Rick, Paul and Pascal could post it as a zipped electronic file or post a link to it if there is a full electronic version.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 17:06:46
A few shots in the town of Tourrettes-sur-Loup, Saturday morning, September 29.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on October 01, 2018, 17:08:03
PJ - grab yourself a map book or get googling...

First day... Logis Du Pin -
D6085/N85 towards Grasse
R on D5 to St Cezaire (watch for road blocks and broken glass!)
D105 to Mons
D563 to Fayence
D19 to Seillans and Bargemon
D25 through Broves, left fork onto D37, then left on D21 towards Comps
D71 to Aiguines
D957 to Moustiers
R on D952 to Palud (there's a loop off to the right at Palud which some did)
Back on D952 to Castellane
D6085 home

Second day from logis du pin
D2211 then right on D2 to Vence
R on D2210 through Tourettes
D2085 to Grasse
D6085 towards Digne
R on D5 and follow this a long way and across the D2 to St Auban
L on D2211 back to Le Logis

Helpfully, ViaMichelin mark scenic routes with a green strip alongside the road. Pretty much all of the 2 days

I also did the D974 and D164 and D950 from Bedoin to near Digne and the D4085 into the venue on arrival
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on October 01, 2018, 17:39:13
I think the car belongs to Gunter and Anke, but I do not know his name on the site here. They left early due to gearbox issues, as James said

We are now in Bordeaux ready for our visit to Atrlliers Bracq tomorrow

Paul and Dolly
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Tom on October 01, 2018, 19:23:56
Picture at sunrise as we drove through the mountains
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 01, 2018, 19:32:01
Fantastic Tom!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 01, 2018, 20:58:50
Looks like it was an amazing weekend.

Could you guys post somewhere the routes you drove? Nowadays with Google View, it's fun to follow such. And who knows, maybe someday the rest of us will get our chance to go to the same places

Peter, I will let you have the PDF files for Day one and two I assembled with another Members help from France once I get back home by e-mail. The PDF files show maps and road maps i’m Sure you be eager to explore.


PS. When will we see your car all back together? Has she not spend enough time now in the rotisserie and shops? :)

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: pfraud on October 02, 2018, 14:23:48
Link to my pictures.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: pj on October 02, 2018, 14:46:29
Thanks, Gentlemen,
definitely plenty to keep me busy on a rainy fall day.

Dieter, I think my 230SL will spend the winter in Dan's care. We shall see what the new year brings.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on October 03, 2018, 06:51:52
A very BIG thanks to Paul, Pascal & Rick (and others) who made the massive effort to put this together for us.   Fabulous location, routes, food & drink.   Felt very privileged.     Your incredible efforts are very much appreciated.

a couple of teaser photos.   
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Suedtiroler on October 03, 2018, 09:28:54
Many thanks to Rick Paul Pascal!
It was very nice!
Peter and Johannes
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: 450sl on October 03, 2018, 13:24:02
Thanks to all participants , for this nice event,  and Thank you  Pascal , Paul , Rick for organizing.

Mark and Kitty
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 03, 2018, 15:09:01
Thank you again to the entire Euro Event Team including the Wife’s that helped to make it the success that it was.

A truly wonderful event.

A Big Fat Thank You!


PS. A group of 7 cars made it successfully to the Paul Bracq Ateliers after the Euro Event, Garry Marks and I are on our way back to Nice we’re we will return to our home Garry will have a very long trip ahead to Australia, I not so long back to Canada. We will post more photos later in another thread. Dieter
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rick007 on October 03, 2018, 16:35:19
Hello all attendees ,

It was a great event and we are very happy with all the great reactions we got .  Made all the hassle worth while .

For me personal it wasn't the event as I hoped because as you all know my car had a kiss from a rock and was severely damaged . ( foto )
So much even that I could not drive it anymore, and had to join the route the second day in a rental car .  Nevertheless even that day was a joy .
The weather and atmosphere was great .   
My car will be home in about 2 or 3 weeks and will go on to a expert for repairs , so it will be ready for 2020  :)
In the end we got another car damaged and 2 cars with technical problems , hope everyone got home all right ?

We have not made the final calculations yet but I will mail every attendee with the end result.
Think we will surely have a 2020 Euro event .... plans and talks about were going round during the event so we will see each other again in 2 years time , or maybe at next years San Diego event in the US .   

That's it from us for now .... Thank you all for the positive reactions .

The 2018 Euro Event Team

Pascal , Paul and myself

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: mbzse on October 03, 2018, 18:41:27
Quote from: Rolf-Dieter
.../... made it successfully to the Paul Bracq Ateliers .../...
Nice initiative to go to the Ateliers. One question, the poster in the third of your images "1963-2013" is it available for sale?
Would look nice on the Garage wall
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: mbzse on October 03, 2018, 18:47:41
Quote from: Rick007
Hello all attendees ,
It was a great event and we are very happy with all the great reactions we got .  Made all the hassle worth while
Yes Rick, Paul and Pascal with respective wifes.
Great meet, and sincere thanks to you all for your big effort to fix&organise !
/Eliisa and Hans

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 03, 2018, 19:22:42

I will e-mail Boris to see if the poster is available. Let you know once I get a reply, Boris is very busy.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 03, 2018, 19:43:30
After three days back home reflecting on the weekend, we can say it was really supurb.  Rick, Pascal and Paul did a wonderful job of planning an executing an outstanding event.  Great location, good weather, fine accommodation, challenging and enjoyable drives, engaging company and more than ample food and drink.  Rick was a true champ carrying on after an unfortunate encounter with the stone wall.  Peter had less damage with his physical encounter but remained upbeat in spite of the damage to his car.

We thoroughly enjoyed our second European event and look forward to the next one.   

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: John K on October 03, 2018, 19:59:37
Found this great photo of you know who driving into the sunset more to follow.
John and Wendy
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on October 03, 2018, 20:08:04
Below is a link to my photos ... all 264 of them (and there were some I didn't include) ... from the Provence trip. Jonny B., Martijn and I convoyed down from the Netherlands on Monday-Wednesday, mostly on country roads, with a few stops along the way, including the Baccarat factory in Baccarat (if you're wondering why I have pics of expensive crystal). Achim and Oz joined us along the way from Germany.

My apologies for all the photos of my car, but I just couldn't help myself. My Pagoda has been in our family for 48 years and she seems to keep improving with age, unlike me!

If you want to download any of the photos, just double-click on the photo and then click the upside-down arrow in the lower right to download onto your computer. Also, please note there are three "pages" of photos; when you get to the bottom of the first page, click the number 2. There are more people shots on the second and third pages.

I'll add my thanks to Rick, Paul, Pascal and their helpers for the great job putting this all together. Of course, what makes these events so much fun, beyond driving the cars we love in beautiful parts of Europe, is the great group of people from different backgrounds and countries who share a passion for Pagodas. It has been a pleasure getting to know everyone and sharing our adventures together. I'm already looking forward to 2020.

Best regards,
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 03, 2018, 20:33:34
Very good collection Brian! Thanks for making available. What is the blue boat tail vehicle in photo DSC-0083 and 0084?  Looks somewhat like a Bugatti.  Did you get a view from the front?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on October 03, 2018, 20:34:59
Ralph, I overheard someone say it was a reproduction Bugatti, and it was broken down. Someone else who was talking to the owner can, hopefully, confirm.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on October 03, 2018, 21:09:09
The British owner lives locally, and said it was Replica, which he greatly enjoys.
He let us overtake him, and when we stopped for the view, he joined us, and was amazed when one Pagoda suddenly developed twelve siblings

Great event
Paul and Dolly
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: WRe on October 04, 2018, 06:30:12
Wonderful photos Brian, thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on October 04, 2018, 09:36:41
I am sure I heard it had an MG engine (the plate inside said it was a "Teal" from Altrincham in Cheshire)

My pics are here >
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on October 05, 2018, 07:12:24
To all Euro 2018 event attendees:

As I mentioned at dinner on Saturday night. I would like to get photos from you to consider for use in the Euro article to be published in Pagoda World 24. Many have been posting to flicker or google photos. That is fine. I can download them from there, and if I need a higher resolution I can let you know.

I did check with the magazine design firm on photo quality/editing. Their comment was, we want unedited photos, and that even means cropping. Extra "touches" to the photo make it very difficult to color match/balance the photos. To get even shading across the magazine, the darkness/lightness of the photos needs to be adjusted to the best overall balance (when printing, the magazine is done pretty much all at once), meaning that they need to adjust all the photos before printing.

We have also found that for the large shots (covers, inside cover, center spread) we are not able to use cell phone photos. The overall image usually can't stand up to the enlargement process.

That typed, put out the photos, and I can work from there.
Or you can PM me through the site, and we can use "WeTranser" for photos. WeTransfer is a great option for sending large files.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Martijn on October 05, 2018, 08:02:36
Pascal, Paul en Rick, a huge thank you to all of you. And of course I want to thank the ones that helped and supported you organising it. I’m fully aware that it’s a big deal to organise such an event. You do this because you’re passionate about it and not because you’re a kind of travel agency. It’s all about the group of wonderful people, the cars just seem to be there to enhance the fun.

Therefore it was terrible to see that, after all made efforts, Rick’s car was damaged on the first morning and couldn't be driven anymore. Rick, I feel your pain. But I hope something good will come out of it.

It was great to be there again and to meet the old and new friends. Thankfully the weather cooperated very well. Somehow you always manage to get the sun out where ever we are.

Hope to see you all again soon. Possibly next year in San Diego!

P.S.: I will post a link to my photos shortly. First I have to make a nice selection of my 2000+ shots.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Drewtee on October 05, 2018, 18:11:19

Thankyou so much 2018 organisers Paul, Rick, Pascal and anyone else even remotely involved in the organising of this wonderful event. Once again you gave us fantastic roads, food, wine, hotels, cars and friends    So much has gone into this event & without your efforts we would be using our cars less and not have the great memories.

Cheers Guys 8) and see you all again soon
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on October 06, 2018, 18:14:10
Hi all,

Almost a week after the 2018 Euro Event ! I spent a lot of time converting, editing and uploading some videos of this wonderful event, which I would like to share.

I hope that everybody was safely back home, including the 12 participants (6 cars) of the convoy to Paul Bracq's Ateliers.
Dieter and Gary, you will leave to morrow, just before the bad weather arrives. I wish you a very good filght.

I would like to join my voice to those who thanked Rick, Paul and Pascal, our organizers, who set up this incredibly successful event. The challenge will be impossible to meet for the next event.

Here is a link to 4 videos covering Friday 27, Saturday 28, plus Thursday 26 (travel from Nimes to La martre with Pascal) and Sunday 30 and Monday oct 1st (from La martre to Millau and home in Perigord with the convoy to Paul Bracq's Ateliers).
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on October 06, 2018, 18:32:57
Oooops !

The link was only for one vid.

Here are the others
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: star63 on October 06, 2018, 20:02:01
We also would like to thank Pascal, Paul and Rick for organizing and everybody contributing to the event.
Our expectations were high and fully met  :)  It was wonderful to see you all again (including some new faces)!

We arrived in Finland yesterday. On our way back we spent a day at Cité de l'Automobile in Mulhouse. It was nice to compare the Bugatti replica we saw earlier to the original ones  8)

Maritta & Petri
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on October 08, 2018, 14:43:57
We also arrived back safely in the Netherlands last Friday. I did wash the car, so necessary after over 5000km's of combined rally driving (SLS Rallye) and the European Event.

I posted my pictures as follows:

My Facebook timeline also has a little driving video.

On the Bugatti replica, it is indeed running a standard MGB engine (1798 cc 4 cylinder), but the owner said the car weighs less than 1000kg's so the 95 HP give it enough fun to drive.

Look forward to seeing the next issue of Pagoda World!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on October 08, 2018, 16:35:04
Flickr link not working
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 08, 2018, 16:49:17
Jean Michel thanks for sharing thise nice photographs and video clips.

To everyone else, also thanks for sharing your photos.

Peter, also here Your second link is not working.

Garry Marks is still in the air at his last flight to get back home, I guess he is the last one to get back onto Home turf. We both left on Sunday Oct 7th, I got home last night and it will be Tuesday before Garry lands in Melbourne.

Traveling to and from our Euro Event might have been long, however, time spend with friends and memories are priceless.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 08, 2018, 18:11:04
Nice initiative to go to the Ateliers. One question, the poster in the third of your images "1963-2013" is it available for sale?
Would look nice on the Garage wall

Hi Hans,

I got word back from Boris Bracq regarding your poster question. Please see his message below.

——————————- QUOTE ———————-

Hello Rolf,
I hope you return safely and that you are fine.
Unfortunately, we have no more poster of the one your member would like tout have (victim of its success...).
However, if he wants, we will have an alternative as we are preparing a calendar in which the image of the poster will be one of the twelve pictures. We will print 100 calendars that should be ready for sale beginning of November.
If he is interested, please tell me so I make sure to book one for him.

——————— end of Quote of Message from Boris ————-

I think the calender would make Nice prints for your garage as the months roll by. You can frame them and it may just include the one you wanted. Keep an eye out in the first part of November when Boris offers the calender 2019 for Sale.


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: jmbour on October 08, 2018, 18:53:40
Hi all,

Another souvenir of the Verdon canyon, in 360° format, on you tube

Jean michel
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on October 09, 2018, 15:00:17
Flickr link not working

I've edited the link in my original post. Please try again or try:
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter van Es on October 09, 2018, 15:02:12
On our way back we spent a day at Cité de l'Automobile in Mulhouse. It was nice to compare the Bugatti replica we saw earlier to the original ones  8)

Maritta & Petri

At the first proper European Event we visited this museum and had a private showing of the bits of the collection not on display. It is a very interesting museum...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 09, 2018, 17:20:55
Wonderful collection of photographs Peter. Linda loved them as well, thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 12, 2018, 05:43:20
I think the calender would make Nice prints for your garage as the months roll by. You can frame them and it may just include the one you wanted. Keep an eye out in the first part of November when Boris offers the calender 2019 for Sale.

Dieter, I would be interested in reserving a calendar, subject to the price of course, which was not indicated.  I suspect that waiting until offered for sale may be to late.  Any idea where they will be offered for sale?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on October 12, 2018, 11:57:08
Hi Ralph,

I will check. With Boris Bracq and report back here.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 14, 2018, 21:16:29
Pascal, Paul & Rick,

Were the small event flags included in the “goody bags” distributed to participants??  Nice souvenir! My bag did not include one.  Are there any left over?
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Garry on October 14, 2018, 22:25:35

They were made by one of the participants that went across to the Bracq workshop. Think there were only two made.  They were pretty cool though.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 15, 2018, 05:52:49
Thanks, Garry.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Paul & Dolly on October 15, 2018, 08:55:05
They were really good,and had machined holders to fit in the roof clamp  top sockets ( instead of the corks I use for my flags) and "marilyn" (Ray) and Sully had them, I am not sure which of the two made them though.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Simax on October 18, 2018, 07:06:17
Hello to all!

Im sorry for late response. Many thanx to all, especially organizers. It was wonderful ....

Here is a link to our photos

I hope we meet again

Simon and Renata
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on October 18, 2018, 07:27:20
Lovely photos, but this is absolutely stunning

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on October 18, 2018, 08:08:50
Simon, thanks for the excellent pics. They were worth the wait!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 18, 2018, 13:25:32
Great pictures Simon.  Thanks for posting.  It was a pleasure to meet you and Renata. 

We also greatly enjoyed the caravan of five white Pagodas back to Italy on Sunday and the lunch in Arenzano.       

Hope to see you again soon at another event.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on October 20, 2018, 04:00:50

Appreciate the drone shots - really shows off the chateau and cars in context nicely. 
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on October 20, 2018, 18:10:51
A short driving video of the Euro Event 2018.   Link is to Google.   Set full-screen.  It's just under 3 minutes.

As two years ago - I partnered with Achim, so you might see a bit of him.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Peter h on October 20, 2018, 18:44:34
 8) great film. Thanks...
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on October 21, 2018, 12:01:56
Oz, thanks for the video! Some great shots, particularly along the Riviera. Really like that white Pagoda ...

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Jonny B on October 21, 2018, 14:42:38
And how did we know Brian was going to comment...?

Great video and great music!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on October 21, 2018, 17:39:09
Very nice video and music Oz, thanks for posting!
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: star63 on October 24, 2018, 13:05:53
Great video, Oz!

An elegant way to use the radio in the beginning... :)
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Martijn on December 23, 2018, 15:20:23
Better late than never. Here are my photos of the European Event: (

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on December 23, 2018, 18:27:18
Thanks Martijn for the wonderful photos ... well worth waiting for :)

Happy Holiday to you and your’s


Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: neelyrc on December 23, 2018, 19:12:08
Thanks Martijn, great pictures! All the best for the Holiday Season.
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: Brian in NL on December 23, 2018, 19:58:05
Agree with Dieter ... well worth viewing during the dark, wet days of December. Your photo skills are impressive! Thanks for sharing.

Enjoy the holidays, all. 

Next stop, San Diego!

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: kampala on December 24, 2018, 08:10:47

Very nice!  You caught some really nice facial expressions on many of our participants.  Timely trigger finger.

Nice to relive the experience.

Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: JamesL on December 24, 2018, 09:01:54
Those are a lovely reminder and some brilliant shots of cars and scenery but I particularly love Kemal/Lucy looking a bit fed up behind Rick's accident

Happy Christmas

But the pics do remind me.... any news on Rick's car???
Title: Re: Euro Event 2018
Post by: star63 on December 26, 2018, 23:56:35
Thank you Martijn,

An incredible set of images/memories - again!  :)
