Pagoda SL Group
W113 Pagoda SL Group => General Discussion => Topic started by: neelyrc on September 06, 2018, 20:53:11
My car was delivered at the factory with the oval shaped Zoll plates front and back. I have had the original front plate with the car for years and I currently have it mounted on the front bumper in the as delivered position. I lost track of the rear plate and assumed it was gone forever. My brother told me he thought my dad may have cut it up in the 1970s when he needed a small piece of aluminum for some small job he was doing. Not so, today it resurfaced in Italy!
I was cleaning out a shed in the country today and came across a stack of old license plates from cars I owned prior to 1976. The plates had gone into storage with my household effects in Chicago when I was transferred to South Africa that Spring. When I was transferred to Paris in 1981 the stored effects were shipped there and in 1985 when I returned to the States the lot was shipped to my home in Italy. At some point the plates got shuffled from the garage to the little used shed and were forgotten.
As can be seen in the picture the factory trimmed the top of the rear plate to clear the trunk lock mechanism. They then drilled two new holes to mount the plate on the valence rather than using the slotted holes on the plate.
Now cleaned up, I will be taking the rear plate back to Alabama in November to rejoin the car.
I switched the picture to one taken outdoors as the earlier one appeared a little on the yellow side. This one was taken outside in natural light.
Do I see a spot for the group badge on the left side of the front plate holder? :o
Nice find Ralph!
I once had plates from my old cars 1959 to 2007 (Quebec and Alberta Canada). Somehow when we downsized in 2007 in Alberta to move to Ontario all got tossed out with many other things. Last year we further downsized from our third house since coming to Canada back to an appartment and more stuff got sold and tossed out. If I had a plate like yours from a original car purchase in Germany I’m sure it would never have left my belongings :)
I do miss my garage, however, life goes on, what will be will be.
That's wonderful, Ralph!
Do I see a spot for the group badge on the left side of the front plate holder? :o
Yes Tyler, last year when I fabricated the bracket for my Silver Star badge I left room on the passenger side for our new group badge. As soon as I am back with the car in November I’ll take care of this.
Dieter, I was well trained by wife one and wife two not to throw anything! I’ve found that the older I get the easier it is to throw out the really unnecessary stuff even if I must be a bit sneaky at times. ;) Car stuff just doesn’t fit in the unnecessary category!
Thanks Pawel and Mike, It is unbelievable how much satisfaction can come from such a seemingly insignificant find.
The next thing that will bring a similar smile to my face is finding a set of Heyco slip joint pliers with the MB star. My tool kit was stolen in shipment in 1970 and the MB replacement kit included a set of Heyco slip joint pliers but sans Star.
Those appear on e-bay from time to time. Obviously lots of them, Heyco, with a star and 129 designation, but it is not what you are looking for. You will find them. Anything else from tool set? I will let you know if I come across.
Or post in wanted to buy.
Thanks Pawel, Tool set is complete except for the Starred Heyco pliers.
I will pay attention. I was into tools big time recently, completing both my Pagoda tools as well as 1956 190SL - this was a really a tough one for spark plug and lug wrench...
Here is my tools - collected piece by piece.
Nice Pawel!🙂
Is the Zoll plate still in use?
Apparently yes, Hauser. See here:
But, the plates are no longer the oval ones shown above. Things have evolved over the years.
When I bought my car for European delivery all the arrangements were made by Mercedes-Benz so that on collecting the car it came with a Zoll registration booklet and the installed plates. The paint data plate and my data card include code 602 which is mounting of customs license plates. The Mercedes-Benz order included a USD200 refundable fee which the buyer could collect after export from Germany. See Pagoda Notes Volume 10 Number 3 for a picture of the Zoll Registration Book data page.
Good find Ralph. I still have the zoll plate that came with my long gone '65 VW that I took delivery of in Paris. The CA DMV confiscated the front plate that I stuck on the back when I registered here (it was pretty beat up after being in Europa for 3 months). I still have the plate you see here when the car was about a week old taken in Normandy (Port-en-Bessin). When I was in Rome a couple of months later I saw another VW with "1002" on his plate. What were the odd's??
Was it a 1300?
My father had almost identical one in the 70-ies, just without the guards on the bumper... My father's was 1300.
I think the 1300's came out in '66. Mine was a 1200. It seemed massive on the European roads back then, especially in the Cities. Naples was the worst. ;D
I still have the plate you see here when the car was about a week old taken in Normandy (Port-en-Bessin). When I was in Rome a couple of months later I saw another VW with "1002" on his plate..........
Thanks John, your plate is in great shape! If it were not for the Wulfsburg logo you might sneak it on the front of your Pagoda from time to time!
Normandy is one of our favorite areas of France, particularly Concale near Saint-Malo west across the peninsula from where your shot was taken.
Finding 1002 in Rome must have been a real shocker, particularly on another VW! Birds of a feather .......
Here's the plate that was on my 1964 220 SEb when I took delivery at the factory on July 7, 1964:
I still have the original German plates, issued in 1982, front and rear on my SL. I was driving it like this (I know, semi-legally :-X) here in the U.S. until it stopped running in 1998. It is parked like this in the garage. Once it is done, I may have to have it "federalized" ??? :o
I think the 1300's came out in '66. Mine was a 1200. It seemed massive on the European roads back then, especially in the Cities. Naples was the worst. ;D
Thank you! Memories...
1002 must have been from the same delivery. Same colour as yours?
You can see it is a new car - look at the wheel wells cleanliness...
Naples to Normandy in a Beetle is some trip!
Oh to have the time
Different times, different expactations and a diffrent spirit. In the 80-ies I was travelling from Warsaw to Norway, two persons with a luggage for cold and warm weather, a tent, food for 3 months and spare parts in the Fiat 126p, 650ccm.
To pack food, as an example: you took out the spare wheel and the battery, you packed tins with sardines under the spare wheel and battery as there was space, then you put both back in. Then you moved to remove left headlight housing to pack one more tin under, etc....
Climbing slopes in Norway - 3-5km on the second gear...
Here's the plate that was on my 1964 220 SEb when I took delivery at the factory on July 7, 1964:
Great souvenir ejboyd. Do you still have the car?
I still have the original German plates, issued in 1982, front and rear on my SL. I was driving it like this (I know, semi-legally :-X) here in the U.S..........
Mike, perhaps you are as big a scofflaw as me! I had a Ford Escort in Italy with Alabama plates from 1973 to 1985! Lots of stories there.
I assume this is the same Pagoda that is undergoing a head refurbishment now being discussed under another thread here. Very nice euro model (personally however, I prefer without the eyebrows). Lets see some pictures when it is again on the road.
Naples to Normandy in a Beetle is some trip!
Oh to have the time
Yes, it was a real “Grand European” Trip. We were in Europe a little over 3 months and drove a little over 12000 miles through 11 countries. I was only 20 at the time and it was quite adventure for sure. Even drove up to John o’Groats which was really a long way from Naples :). Had the car shipped home and kept it for 2 more years before selling it for $100 more then what I paid for it in Paris. It was a great little car.
Yes, it was a real “Grand European” Trip. We were in Europe a little over 3 months and drove a little over 12000 miles through 11 countries.
Which way did you go? It really sounds like full round! You must have gone across to Greece or Turkey from Naples, then back up? Through Yugoslavia? Or up Italy then to the right?
Which way did you go? It really sounds like full round! You must have gone across to Greece or Turkey from Naples, then back up? Through Yugoslavia? Or up Italy then to the right?
Never made further south then Italy but went north up through Austria, Switzerland and West Germany (West Berlin too), Denmark into Scandinavia then back to the UK and Ireland before winding up in Paris. The route is shown on this photo but pretty hard to make out.
An adventurous trip for a 20 year old, John. Looking back, it must standout as one of the most fun things you have ever done....... that and deciding to buy a Pagoda at an early age!
An adventurous trip for a 20 year old, John. Looking back, it must standout as one of the most fun things you have ever done....... that and deciding to buy a Pagoda at an early age!
It most certainly was. I also sat in a 230SL for the first time at a dealer in Garmish-Partenkirchen Germany so it was a standout trip for sure. And Ralph, sorry to have hijacked your thread with all my nostalgia stuff ;D
No problem, John. I think we have about worn it out! :)
Great souvenir ejboyd. Do you still have the car?
Absolutely fantastic and beautiful trip! Also today!
Then you must have crossed East Germany too with their Trabants and Wartburgs on the roads... Must have been thrilling experince!
Thank you for sharing.
Apologies from my side - I was dragging the topic aside... will try to hush now.
Absolutely fantastic and beautiful trip! Also today!
Then you must have crossed East Germany too with their Trabants and Wartburgs on the roads... Must have been thrilling experince!
Thank you for sharing.
Apologies from my side - I was dragging the topic aside... will try to hush now.
Well, can't resist with one last post. We crossed into East Germany at checkpoint Alpha in Helmstedt and as I remember it was a closed autobahn (no exit or entry until Berlin) so most if not all the cars were from the west. When we made the crossing I took a couple of photos of the checkpoint. After passing under the guard's tower, we were pulled over detained for 2 hours (in separate rooms) and interrogated as to why we had taken the picture. Finally convinced the Polizei that we were just two twenty year old dumb tourists and didn't know any better and we were sent on our way, lucky to still have my camera.
Good stories, good European memories.
I may as well add my story to the East Germany mentioning. When the wall came down in 1989 I was in Nevada working on a Geothermal Low Pressure Turbine. I recall the breaking news story on the car radio as I drove from Reno to the Powerplant. Having been born in Magdeburg not far from Berlin it goes without saying that tears came to my eyes and I had to leave the express way for a spell to recover from this great news. I never at the time expected that wall to come down, the news that it actually as happening was overwhelming.
In 1990 I went to Germany for a Famaly visit, like I did every 3 to 5 years. Memories from that trip to Magdeburg were as follows;
- Driving on the Autobahn in the direction east to Magdeburg I had to slow down immediately for the poor Autobahn road condition as I crossed from west to the former east Germany, the road was that bad.
- in Magdeburg my car (a rental VW fairly new)was vandalized while it was parked downtown. Much red tape followed by the Police and Insurance.
- on my way back to the then western part of Germany the traffic on the Autobahn came to a complete stop. It was a hot day so I remained in my car while other drivers exited there cars and started to talk to one another. Soon. It became evident that several drivers started to look at me and I was wondering what the hell have I done. When I got out from the car I realized my car was the only car engine running LOL so I quickly shut the engine off.
I never had the money to purchase a car in Germany and ship it to Canada (this had to wait till later in life), so I never had a Zoll Plate, however, I’ve seen them on quite a few cars during my trips home to Germany every 3 to 5 years.
Driving out of Berlin one afternoon with a pair of Girl Guides from the UK, we somehow got off the approved route and were motoring happily through the side roads of East Germany when we came across some sort of military convoy. Much frantic activity on their part as canvas was hastily erected over whatever they were hauling. Much pointing and yelling as well, but we were never stopped and we continued on our way to rejoin the proper road and reenter freedom.