Pagoda SL Group

W113 Pagoda SL Group => Events => Topic started by: 114015 on January 08, 2023, 01:13:35

Title: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: 114015 on January 08, 2023, 01:13:35
Announcement Mail.


Pagoda 60th Anniversary Event 2023
42nd  International Annual Meeting “60th Anniversary of the Pagoda in Nürnberg 2023

Dear All, dear European Event interested participants,

It's time now to eventually announce the next European Meeting.
But what exactly is this? Is it an European Event - like 2021 and before?
Or what is going to take place?

This year, 2023, is the 60th Anniversary of our beloved Pagoda and
the German SL-Club Pagode e.v. hosts its 42nd Anniversary or Annual Grand Event, which will take place in Nürnberg (Nuremberg), to be exact.
This event is held together with the Pagoda SL Group (with us) and the German forum

Thus, it will be a grand event very similar to the one in Willingen (Germany) held in 2013 (the 50th Anniversary) for the ones among you who still remember that one;
however a bit smaller (no 230 cars) and no ski ramp and no helicoperting of Pagodas …

This year - the 60th Anniversary of the Pagoda - will take place in Nürnberg (Nuremberg) in Franconia (part of Bavaria) in Germany and will be held from

Thu, 10 -  Sun, 13 August 2023

So, what is going to happen there?

Well, early attendees shuffle in on Thursday for the more informal get-together and some accompanying leisure program, which you can select from a list.
On Friday, most members arrive and there is a thorough sightseeing program, which members can select from.
On Saturday there will be the grand touring event with a lunch break and the opportunity to visit a special classic car museum.
Afterwards there will be the dinner reception with a Gala dinner - this is a black tie event.
On Sunday all cars collect together at a central place (Merks Motor Museum) for the good-bye ceremony.
All the program and the additional booking options are described in detail in the invitation, which you'll find attached.

Please note,
hotel accommodation, location (middle of the city of Nuremberg), trips, lunch places, parking area, etc and the all-over organization of the event, there cannot be an almost unlimited number of attendees like 10 years ago but the number of participants needs to be limited and therefore, there are exactly
20 entries open for members of the Pagoda SL Group
(and same number for Pagodentreff members)

Thus, if you are interested to participate, you need to act quickly now.

The registration process is open now,
but please respect the following rules which also applied for the previous European Events):

1) You must be full member of the Pagoda SL Group and first come - first serve
2) You need to attend with a Pagoda  (no rental cars please)
3) Long time and loyal European Event attendees have priority

4) There will be a reserve list, no worry.
We know from experience that the closer we get to the date of the event we always invited teams from the reserve list.

Besides that we are not professional car-holiday organizers, this is a volunteer initiative with no commercial intentions of any kind.

In order to sign up, please do the following:

Click my forum's name in this invitation (114015) with the right mouse click and open in new tab/window.
There is then my email address,
and then please send me an email with your name and forum's name that you wish to attend.
Please fill out the entry form as complete and possible, sign it, scan it and send it back to me (via email).
Please understand, a response here on the homepage will not provide you any form of entry in this event, you need to send an email to me as indicated above.

The members who signed up will get a PM with an invitation, and a request to pay the deposit, as we did in previous events. The payment of this deposit is the only way to guarantee your place in this Event !


The 2023 60th Anniversary Event team

(part of the team)

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on January 08, 2023, 09:56:07
Hi Achim,

PM send to you this morning.

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Cees Klumper on January 08, 2023, 13:11:15
Looks like this will be another great event.
Just to note - the invite says 170 cars will be accepted, of which 150 are reserved for the German club, and 20 for Pagodentreff AND our group - so not 130-20-20 but 150-20 which could mean more or less than 10 for our group?
And, first come first serve, but also preference for some, so not first come, first serve?
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: rwmastel on January 12, 2023, 00:35:58
In order to sign up, please do the following:

Click my forum's name in this invitation (114015) with the right mouse click and open in new tab/window.
There is then my email address,
and then please send me an email with your name and forum's name that you wish to attend.

PM send to you this morning.
Achim tried to be as clear as possible.  Email.  You said PM.  Not the same.  And, you're taking your Pagoda to Germany with you?
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Rolf-Dieter ✝︎ on March 19, 2023, 22:50:43
Achim tried to be as clear as possible.  Email.  You said PM.  Not the same.  And, you're taking your Pagoda to Germany with you?

No, I cannot be attending due to health reasons and have so advised Achim. if you are maintaining a list of names, please remove my name from the list. I wilco you all a great 60 year event !!!

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Brian in NL on August 01, 2023, 21:22:55
Who all has signed up for the Nuremberg event? Looking forward to seeing some of the gang there next week!
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Paul & Dolly on August 01, 2023, 21:27:14
Hi Brian
Dolly and I are on the Ferry from Harwich tomorrow,then taking a very leisurely trip Dow to Nuremberg

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 01, 2023, 23:20:03
Hello Brian and Paul.  Peter March (Suedtiroler) and I will be driving from Merano.  Looking forward to seeing all.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: MP on August 02, 2023, 06:42:26
Looking forward to seeing you all again.

Maurice & Dawn
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: ScouseJames on August 02, 2023, 09:02:32
My son Thomas and I will be attending our first Pagoda Rally.... but unfortunately not in our '66 230SL.  I've been having some work done and it won't be ready in time  :'(
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Peter h on August 02, 2023, 09:02:57
Hi Brian
Dolly and I are on the Ferry from Harwich tomorrow,then taking a very leisurely trip Dow to Nuremberg


Hallo Paul
Hopefully the weather next week is a little better. We see us on monday.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: 114015 on August 02, 2023, 09:54:57
Dear All,

The  Pagoda 60th Anniversary Event 2023
42nd  International Annual Meeting “60th Anniversary of the Pagoda in Nürnberg 2023

is coming soon - starting off in a couple of days.

The following Members are participating:

Brian in NL
Paul & Dolly
Jonny B
Peter van Es

Did I forget someone ....

Looking very much forward to seeing you all again !



Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: ScouseJames on August 02, 2023, 11:20:16
Dear All,

The  Pagoda 60th Anniversary Event 2023
42nd  International Annual Meeting “60th Anniversary of the Pagoda in Nürnberg 2023

is coming soon - starting off in a couple of days.

The following Members are participating:

Brian in NL
Paul & Dolly
Jonny B
Peter van Es

Did I forget someone ....

Looking very much forward to seeing you all again !



Yes, me.  I will be there but not in my Pagoda.  Looking forward to meeting you all.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Artur on August 02, 2023, 13:10:44
Five teams from W113 Pagoda SL Klub Polska.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Peter van Es on August 02, 2023, 14:06:31
Look forward to seeing you all next week!
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: 114015 on August 02, 2023, 18:51:54

Yes, Artur,
That is correct of course,
and I am also aware of this.
However, besides yours, I do not know the forum names (anymore) of the other Four.

Looking forward to seeing you all again.



Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Paul & Dolly on August 02, 2023, 19:48:09
Very much looking forward to our stop over in with you Einkirch (Peter H) en route meeting up with some familiar friends in Nuremberg .

Paul and Dolly
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: kampala on August 03, 2023, 01:44:44
It’s a serious bummer that I cannot join the euro group this time around. 

I got very comfortable riding with Achim in his w114 and his w113 at several Euro events:

Belgium 2012
UK 2014
Sud Tirol 2016
South of France 2018
Austria 2021

Will miss seeing the gang.

Enjoy and post photos !
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: JamesL on August 03, 2023, 06:33:01
Me too.
Apparently a family holiday is more important…
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Brian in NL on August 03, 2023, 08:24:47
James, Oz, we'll miss you guys! A lot less driving for this event, but looking forward to exploring Nuremberg and catching up with everyone.

Oz, maybe we'll see you in Chicago?

Happy Motoring!

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: kampala on August 03, 2023, 13:42:57
Oz, maybe we'll see you in Chicago?

Brian, I am planning on being at Pagodafest Chicago. 
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 03, 2023, 22:33:24
It’s a serious bummer that I cannot join the euro group this time around. 

I got very comfortable riding with Achim in his w114 and his w113 at several Euro events:

Belgium 2012
UK 2014
Sud Tirol 2016
South of France 2018
Austria 2021

Will miss seeing the gang.

Enjoy and post photos !

….and we will miss seeing you also, Oz.  I am sure there will be photos a plenty.  Unfortunately I will not see you in Oak Brook either.  I couldn’t work out doing both events and the European event was the best fit all things considered.

Enjoy the Oak Brook area!  I spent a lot of time there with my Pagoda over the years and I am sure the event there will be an enjoyable experience for all.

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: ScouseJames on August 15, 2023, 10:25:30
Returned home from the Pagoda Rally last night, tired but ecstatic after attending this wonderful event.  Very well done to the Organising Team from

Although we couldn't attend in our Pagoda (see post above), we enjoyed driving the route of the rally, and cars found at the lunch stop destination, the Dauphin Speed Collection were amazing.  And to see so many Pagodas in one place...

We enjoyed meeting fellow Pagoda owners from different parts of the globe but especially Colin and Yvonne, Paul and Dolly, Steve and Michelle, Paul and Rosemary, Morris and Dawn, and of course Michael and David Smith.

We are already looking forward to next year's event, this time in our Pagoda!!
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Peter van Es on August 15, 2023, 15:06:14
Just a few photographs from the event...

Warning.... sunglasses may be needed  8)
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Peter van Es on August 15, 2023, 15:09:40
And two more... the logo/sticker was made by the Polish contingent of the Pagoda SL Group. And... the rally Heckflosse is owned by the same owner who has the Böhringer (nr 39) Pagoda which apparently was undergoing repairs...

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 16, 2023, 12:50:27
A few pictures from the Saturday morning run to the Dauphin Museum.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 16, 2023, 13:04:57
And a few more:
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 16, 2023, 13:09:49
And the souvenir grille badge from the event:
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: RAY on August 16, 2023, 17:04:59
Fantastic !!!!

Lovely to see sooo many Pagodas together. Does any one know how many there were in total ?

A pride, A pack, A loada Pagodas ? What was the decision ?
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: rwmastel on August 16, 2023, 18:10:39
A pride, A pack, A loada Pagodas ? What was the decision ?
We're having a run-off!
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 16, 2023, 20:48:03
Fantastic !!!!

Lovely to see sooo many Pagodas together. Does any one know how many there were in total ?

A pride, A pack, A loada Pagodas ? What was the decision ?

The entry list in the event Roadbook lists 170 entries plus three unnumbered entries listed as ORG.  I know two in the entry list who came with other than a Pagoda and there could have been a few others. I think that it is safe to say there were well over 150 Pagodas.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Martijn on August 17, 2023, 12:06:05
A few photos of this great event. See my album on Flickr: (

Thanks to all who helped organize this.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: JamesL on August 17, 2023, 13:24:00
Great pictures (as always) Martijn
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: neelyrc on August 17, 2023, 14:05:15
Outstanding Martijn, well covered!
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: WRe on August 17, 2023, 14:15:34
Great photos Martijn, thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: JamesL on August 17, 2023, 14:46:37
love the moss green metallic, and the "aubergine/plum" colour (no clue on the name)

I think I spotted about three of my old Nokias in that pile too
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: RAY on August 17, 2023, 17:51:58
Thanks for sharing the great selection of photo's Martijn.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Kemal on August 17, 2023, 19:22:20
Well done Martijn, you never disappoint ....
Another wonderful event.

Loved looking at all the familiar faces and new ones  ;D

Big hug and best wishes to you all,
Kemal & Lucy Xx
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Garry on August 17, 2023, 21:14:58
Great photos Martijn.  Lots of familiar faces there.

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Rick007 on August 24, 2023, 08:07:43
What a fantastic event that was. 

Great to see so many familiar faces again.
Really... compliments to the organizers.

Hoping to see many of you again at our next Euro Event, next year or the year after ?

Greetings Rick & ML

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: JamesL on August 24, 2023, 11:42:24
Now that is a good question. Europe are normally the "even" years - 10/12/14/16/18/22 which would suggest 2024
But that is then 3 consecutively (which we also did in 12-13 (willingen)-14)

Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: rwmastel on August 25, 2023, 00:54:39
Now that is a good question. Europe are normally the "even" years - 10/12/14/16/18/22 which would suggest 2024
But that is then 3 consecutively (which we also did in 12-13 (willingen)-14)
Pagoda Fest  2023 Chicago is coming in a few weeks.  Was this Euro 60th Anniversary event organized by our Pagoda SL Group?  I thought our members simply attended.
Title: Re: 60th Anniversal Event in Nuremberg Germany
Post by: Peter van Es on August 25, 2023, 10:25:07
Was this Euro 60th Anniversary event organized by our Pagoda SL Group?  I thought our members simply attended.

Correct, but Achim 114015 (;u=142) was very much involved in the organisation / coordination.

And yes, JamesL is correct. We typically organise one event every 2 years... but it depends a little on the energy of the organisers... I think JamesL and myself were volunteered to organise the next one. So we will start communicating...