Pagoda SL Group
W113 Pagoda SL Group => Announcements => Topic started by: mdsalemi on November 21, 2024, 18:28:07
The book is in the hands of the printer, and has entered pre-production. I expect to have the book printed in mid-December, and bulk delivery to me here in NC between Christmas and New Years. Fulfillment (shipping out the books to our members who ordered them) will happen early in the new year.
The small quantity going to Canadian addresses will be shipped directly to our member George Henne in Toronto, and dispatched directly from Toronto.
Hear! Hear!
Update December 4, 2024
Our graphic designer is working through a number of minute design tasks that arose when our book was put through the pre-flight software at the printer.
Preflight is a step done prior to printing, where the digital file is processed to look for potential print challenges, and these are flagged for review. Upon review, we determined that some of these issues could be corrected, and she's working on those now. Of course, our holiday of Thanksgiving slowed things down, and our CSR at the printer was away, too.
I expect to have the completed files by the end of the week, and the should be ready for another go at preflight. Issues that are discovered at that time will probably be passed as OK to print, since they are probably issues "as printed" in the original magazines that we cannot correct.
I'll post another update as soon as the file(s) are all approved and in the print process.
As the saying goes,"no good deed goers unpunished." Everyone reading Salemi's post should realize the work and effort involved! whew!
Can't wait to see the finished product
Update December 18, 2024
Pagoda World Book, Volume III went into production at the printers last Friday, 13-December.
I suspect it will be shipped to me sometime very soon, as they shut down for Christmas.
Fulfillment (i.e. packing and individual shipping to our members) will happen in early January.
Update December 20, 2024
The books have been printed and left the building. The printer has shipped these and they are due for arrival to me next week.
As indicated prior, fulfillment (shipping to members who bought them) will commence in the new year.
Update December 31, 2024
All books are in my possession! They arrived the other day. Unfortunately the printer neglected the protective mailers so will be addressing that when they return early next week.
Special note: anyone who has had a shipping address change since ordering in October, PLEASE let me know by PM ASAP.
I believe you have my address change, correct?
Update 1/17/25:
The printer neglected to manufacture shipping boxes; their error. I've been waiting for resolution, and instead of acknowledging their error and expediting the manufacture and shipping--I only found today by making a pest of myself, that they put it on the docket for 7-February-2025. Absolutely not acceptable.
So, onto plan B. I've already sourced reasonably appropriate shipping cartons and bubble mailers to protect the books. I ordered a small selection last week (they arrived and they work) and will order the balance today.
Orders will begin to go out next week.
I'm so sorry for the delay, but when people don't do their jobs... there's not much I can do about it. Being patient and then multiple queries didn't help.
Michael, thanks for your hard work here! I'm really looking forward to receiving mine!! Regards Peter
Pagoda Book Shipments have started. The first fifty books to USA destinations have left.
The USPS will have these scanned into their system later today.
IF you provided a valid email address that you check frequently, YOU WILL receive notification from our shipping service, Pirate Ship, with the tracking number.
USA shipments are going MEDIA MAIL service which is anywhere from 3-10 days depending on location.
These are going out in batches, as I cannot do everything all at once.
Thanks for all the hard work. Much appreciated.
Got a message today with a tracking number but was afraid to click on the link: I was wondering what "Pirate Ship" might be!
Suspicion allayed. Package is due to arrive Monday.
Thanks Michael!
Same here. I thought 'Pirate Ship' sounded vaguely familiar, now I know! Looking forward to receiving my copy.
(That's a flaw in today's online shopping system: I receive notices from USPS, UPS, FEDEX and so on all the time that they will deliver 'a package' to me in X days' time, but almost never is it clear who the sender is.)
;D ;D 8) O.K., that's the solution of the mystery. I got the same e-mail. Wondered what I bought that would come with media mail, so I did not klick on the link afraid it was a scam....
Since this fear is so widespread, and nobody has figured out you can just copy the tracking number and track the package yourself, instead of click on a link, and many people have forgotten that they’ve ordered something…
…The next group of packages that will go out will have an email notification that’s a little more clear as to origin. The actual shipping labels created indicate that the package was sent by me (return address) on behalf of the Pagoda SL Group on the return address label… but not the email notification which is being corrected. As I don’t get these email notifications, I don’t know what they look like or what they say.
I have contacted Pirate Ship for the instructions on how to change the email notification. That won’t change anyone’s fear, but at least it will have my name and the Group name on it.
With the prior volume a couple of years ago, we actually had a package sent back to us with delivery refused because the member didn’t recall ordering anything and didn’t trust the package. That was just one mailing issue. Sad to say most people don’t come to the forum and thus don’t read the postings I’ve made.
Sound of large sigh.
Not so much fear as trying to be careful. You have to admit "Pirate Ship" is a pretty interesting meme for an entity potentially engaging in identity theft!
What is important to consider is that Michael, in his usual thorough fashion, is trying to get the message out to all of us in as many ways as possible.
Many thanks!
As an FYI, nearly EVERYTHING we send out "as a group" will go out through PirateShip.
Pirate Ship is our shipping service, and like the name or not, they allow us a massive discount over any other kind of online postage or shipping. We have also used ShipStation in the past, but mostly for international items.
Anyone so interested can read about them here: A completely legit service that allows us massive savings.
If we don't have them automatically send out notifications, people will start calling and contacting me, because few come to the forums. No way can I deal with everyone contacting me asking, "Where's my package?" If we do send out notifications, the only practical way to do it is automatically upon shipment. I cannot control anyones fear or desire to be careful...but the information you usually want will be contained in that email. These notifications are sent automatically upon label creation.
All USA ones will leave prior to any international. Most international addresses need to be double checked by hand and this is a time consuming task. We get too many returned Pagoda World magazines to know that the international addresses are sometimes off. The USA addresses are automatically standardized by Pirate Ship.
Second batch of 50 books leaving today, all USA destinations.
Waiting on additional shipping materials arriving later today or tomorrow.
Email FROM Pagoda SL Group will arrive tonight for all packages leaving today.
The link is safe to click, but if you don't believe it, just copy and paste the tracking number.
The rest will go out next week also in batches.
All but 45 of the final USA orders are now on the way, in the postal system.
The final 45 USA orders will be at the Post Office tomorrow.
International orders start to go out on Wednesday.
My copy was in the mailbox today, just as forecast by the USPS tracking number. ;^)
Thanks again Michael!
My copy arrived in todays post as well (SF Bay Area) Perfectly packed! A big shout out to Michael Salemi for taking on this task. His follow through and attention to detail are really exemplary.
All USA orders have been posted. International Orders have started processing.
UK, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Bermuda, Chile, Cyprus and France leaving in today's mail. Some are going UPS directly, the bulk are being shipped via USPS to Ascendia who will handle the balance of the shipment. Tracking numbers have been provided. Everyone who provided a valid email (if they filled out the form correctly) should be receiving an email with the tracking information. International orders take 2-4 weeks to arrive.
All international orders are sent the ONLY way we can: DDU ("Delivered Duty Unpaid"). This means the recipient, you, pays any and all taxes, VAT, customs, duties, tariffs or whatever your country may charge. Canadians luck out: books were printed in Canada and are so noted so they cannot charge duty, only taxes. All we do is ship the merchandise. We have no control over anything your government decides to charge you. Books have been valued at USD $15 each for customs and tax purposes.
There was a processing glitch yesterday and I wasn't able to process orders; they thought we were fraudulent. That has since been corrected.
A total of 233 distinct orders have been sent out so far...some for multiple books.
Thanks Mike, excellent, I got mine yesterday!
All Pagoda World Book, Volume III, ordered in October 2024 have been shipped.
The last group went to the post office today.
This includes all international (2-4 week delivery) and all USA (most of which have already arrived)
There have been a few inquiries for those who did not participate when offered, about remainders. We do have remainders and these will be offered next week.
Please pay attention here for instructions.
Thanks to all who participated in this project. Please understand we are not a store, we are not a commercial operation, and when projects like this are offered they are ONLY for a limited time and we produce a limited number of items to fulfill the orders. We don't maintain inventory and we don't have storage facilities.
i got mine a few days ago. Very nice job. Thanks for the hard work. Much appreciated! Chumps
Thanks for putting in all this work, Michael. I'm glad to have the book.
I received mine earlier this week. Fantastic job, Michael!
After much anticipation, my Pagoda World Book III arrived today and the quality of the content is first class. Many thanks!
Still waiting for mine in left France on 5th Feb via Royal Mail to the UK, but the trail runs cold there on the tracking. Hoping it will turn up soon....
Still waiting for mine in left France on 5th Feb via Royal Mail to the UK, but the trail runs cold there on the tracking. Hoping it will turn up soon....
Well, it's now in the hands of Royal Mail...[and UK's Customs and Taxation]. So I'm sure it will get there. It's getting it to the hands of the local postal services that is always the question. When we employ third party mail assistance, sometimes we need to wait for it to get across the oceans and out of Ascendia's hands. That's been done...
The joys of living on a small island.
I really appreciate all the work you have done here and really looking forward to receiving the book !
My Pagoda World Book III arrived today perfectly packed, here in Spain.
Many thanks, Carlos
All of the North American books, particularly those for the USA should have been delivered weeks ago.
Most of the Western European shipments have been received--based upon what people have told me personally or posted.
Most of the UK shipments, and Australia, the same.
There are a few held up for one reason or another. Both shipments to Portugal are in the maze of Portugese taxation and customs. One to the Channel Islands is [probably] stuck in UK taxation and customs as they process for the Channel Islands. I'd imagine there are more that we just have not heard about yet.
Everyone who provided a valid email should have received a shipment notification that included a preliminary tracking number that begins with AHOY, then if you track that, a secondary tracking number tied to your local postal service. If anyone didn't get their book it's time to pay a visit to your local post office with the local tracking number and find out.
As you can imagine, we do not have any control over local post offices, taxation, VAT, customs or similar. If we were to send a duplicate it would still take this long to get there and still get put through the byzantine customs and taxation swamp. Some countries just pass things through with no delay, and little to no fees. Others treat the book as if it's some kind of scheme worthy of close and careful scrutiny. I cannot explain it.
I simply would suggest that members read this train of posts. It demonstrates the task accomplished in publishing and mailing this version -Pagoda World III. This alone is worth "the price of admission"