Pagoda SL Group

W113 Pagoda SL Group => Electrical and Instruments => Topic started by: yves on December 16, 2024, 07:27:01

Title: 123 Ignition installation issue....!
Post by: yves on December 16, 2024, 07:27:01
I am trying to connect the 123
 device on my computer but when i connect it with a USB link between the device and the computer i hear only the connection sound but on the screen i have not the green point but it remain on red.
What is my mistake...? 
Title: Re: 123 Ignition installation issue....!
Post by: yves on December 16, 2024, 13:51:57
Well , i called the factory and sent back for exchange......! BTW i modified my order and asked a bluetooth version.
I'll try to connect all that in some days.....and let  you know if it's easy to play with !
Title: Re: 123 Ignition installation issue....!
Post by: yves on February 24, 2025, 10:14:12
Well, i have now fitted the 123 at the engine.New process for me . Quite straightforward for the wire connection. Be aware of the correct position of the groove on the damper ( static advance) and the arm of the distributor aiming to the 1 cylinder distributor cap position.
After that i drove for a road test and all is not good and smooth...! It seems i have some misfiring at low revs when i accelerate. All is fine when the revs are+-above 1500, 1800  rev/min.I wonder if my static advance is correct? The tech book says 8 ° but the local MB mechanic says 4° ? mine is setted at 4.
The advance curve is the one installed by the 123ign factory  0 deg at 1000 rev, 10 at 1500, 30 at 3000. The MAP curve is 10. advance at 0 Kpa , 0 at 65 kpa, and 0 from 87 Kpa until 200 Kpa .
What parameter must i modify? 
Thank's in advance