Pagoda SL Group

W113 Pagoda SL Group => Drive train, fuel, suspension, steering & brakes => Topic started by: LindesayOne on February 11, 2025, 21:17:17

Title: Windshield NLA??!
Post by: LindesayOne on February 11, 2025, 21:17:17
Hi Folks;
I'm having difficulty sourcing a winshield for my 280SL. Suggestions/insights would be would be welcome.
Classic Center USA and other vendors indicate that the windshield is on backorder or NLA.
There is one available from the SLShop:only US$408 but $US633 for shipping! and only in green.
Perhaps someone more "in the loop" than I knows what the story is. Given the number of w113's out there, surly this item is in constant demand?

Title: Re: Windshield NLA??!
Post by: dirkbalter on February 12, 2025, 15:23:26

others may have it too.

Title: Re: Windshield NLA??!
Post by: Pawel66 on February 12, 2025, 16:17:30
That is where I usually look for (in Europe):
Title: Re: Windshield NLA??!
Post by: Cees Klumper on February 12, 2025, 18:24:47
When I restored a sixties Triumph Spitfire a few years ago, as I recall the new windshield I got for it was $150 and shipping was an extra $50. From the United Kingdom to the US.
Title: Re: Windshield NLA??!
Post by: pj on February 13, 2025, 22:06:01
We got ours in the spring of 2019. It took a lot more effort than you might expect! First, there was one available through the shop that was rebuilding our car, the inimitable Benz Dr. But it was very expensive, so Dan recommended we check with MB directly. Our local MB dealer confirmed they could order it, but that was even more pricey. I asked Tom Hanson at the Classic Centre and he gave me the number (which was A113-671-0310) and said a dealership in the USA could get it without any delivery or shipping charge. So we bought it from the MB dealer in Rochester Hills, MI, which is closest to us. That worked out fine except that we had to make two trips there because they wouldn't order it without being paid first, and for some reason they wouldn't accept payment over the telephone. When we brought it across the border on the way back on our second trip, we paid GST to the Canadian government. The end of the story is that the windshield is perfect. Hope it works out the same for you.