It is fairly easy, one must use care for accuracy. This is how I did mine....
Level the front of the car- I measured the distance the brake rotor is off the floor and block the front wheels, at that height, tires off, on the rotors- EXACTLY level. this would be your reference for the perpendicular, setting the camber. Obtain an 11" digital level from Sears, about 30.00, it is accurate to 0.1 degree, magnetic and it will try to stick to the rotor. Remove the camber locking plate from the cam bolt and you can turm the cam bolt to obtain the desired camber. I didn't mention, hold the level firmly against the rotor in a vertical position for measurements. It works. Let me know if you have settings originally that are out of spec. I can walk you through the toe-in. I did my entire alignment myself, Very, very carefully and it drives srtaight and great. Better than my spelling.
Changing the camber from the original setting will alter the toe-in. If your car is currently in specification, before you disassemble the joint for service, use the level and record the angle. just match it up and you are all set. Setting caster is more difficult. just be sure you position the threaded pin in correctly with the same amount of exposed threads, front and rear, as you started with and you will be fine.
The difficulty level, 1-10, should be less than 3.