Thanks, Naj. I misspoke. I meant say that in every other post they described plastic clips holding on the chrome strip, which invaribly broke if you removed them and had to be replaced. Maybe this is true of N. American cars?
I did manage to get the chrome stip off (as I told Van, a case where you ask the question and the answer comes to you, but you need the forum to ask the question). Interestingly, there were three clip1's and only one clip2, but the chrome strip definitely wasn't going anywhere.
I managed to get the first of the clip1's off the old felt strip and put in on a generic-looking felt strip Ihad lying around, origin unknown, which is just the right length. (May have picked it up at a junkyard.) I mounted it on the door lip experimently and it looks as if it might work, and without having to replace the interior felt as well. I'll keep you posted.
So, what's the rubber insert in the lower brass trim?
Can you clarify the question?
Update: Here's a pic of original felt strip with new "carpet" attached. Apparently the proper term for it was "pile weatherstrip," at least in the U.S. It's self-adhesive, about 1/4" thick, only comes in gray. You can get it at about any place that does home window glass installation. It seems to do the trick, we'll see how it holds up.