I have been away for a bit, dealing with, well, life, but wanted to pass along some information which MIGHT help someone.
A few months ago some of us were looking for late 280sl flat top pistons in second oversize (Mahle 001 76 02). They were not available at the time. Mahle has since produced them, and a set just arrived on my doorstep via DHL (ordered Friday, received from Germany on Wednesday!!!). At $612 a set, including pistons, pins, rings, shipping, etc., they look just like the old ones, except a LITTLE bit bigger (another oversize), and were about half the prices I was quoted (thank you, Metric Motors) when they were out of production. Hard to believe I am HAPPY to pay $100 each for pistons, but I am sure glad to see them. I got mine through Brian Wilson at Amboss (203.380.2466), no connection, no affiliation, etc., although he was awfully patient with my calls over the last several months. There is probably a lesson here with hard parts availability. If you can't find what you need, don't pay a huge price, but work on something else until the part is available again . . .
Hope this helps someone,
John Dillman