I don't think I can post it as it may infringe on copyright. I notice the newest issue is not yet posted on their own website. It may show up there shortly. If you don't subscribe to Sports and Exotic Car I would recommend it as it is a nice read on a snowy Sunday afternoon.
After having read the article I happened to be leafing through the Mercedes Collector (1992 issue) and was reading an article on a buyers guide to W113 engines, which was penned by non other than Gernold.
The article talks about how he came to the US and how he came to work solely on the W113. With respect to the 230SL and 280SL, he talks about their value down the road. He believes the 230SL will appreciate more, especially the older 63 and 64 cars due to their parts becoming harder to find. He also prefers the 230SL engine. He also talks about the cost of restoration, and that it is greater than the potential market value of the car once it is complete. Other than maybe some of the 500k+ cars, are there any cars out there that would have a market value greater than the cost of restoration?
Merry Christmas to everyone.