I had to take my hatch lid off again and personally guide my auto body man through this. They always want to fill in and smooth the indentations on the soft top hatch lid. Mine were there, but not deep enough. The indentations need to be there. Even when they are there, the top frame frequently will rub the paint there. I just repainted, but they were still not deep enough, and there were a few paint rubs-I'm going to the blacklick event, and I want this to look correct. And so-last night, off with the chrome, and I marked with tape around brackets, so I won't have to adjust it again, when I re-install it. Off to the paint shop to deepen the indentations a bit, and touch up the paint, which means new clear coating the whole piece again. I left the vinyl on, and threatened them with their life to tape it correctly, and not get paint on the vinyl. I had sent it to Bud's 500 miles away to put that small piece of vinyl on.----This piece is so vital to our cars appearance. Probably the most important body piece because the soft top latches here, and many adjustments have to be done with this piece to get it correct. This is one of the parts not designed correctly- The compartment is really too small to accomodate our top and frame, and the lid's rubber and paint usually take the brunt of the poor design. But boy, does it look good when it is on our cars!!!!------ It is almost impossible to get all the chrome on and adjustments, without chipping the paint somewhere. The vinyl or leather has to be done correctly, and finding people that know how is very hard. That's why why I sent it to Bud's for the installation of the tex vinyl. They do it all the time.--I know a lot of you have had the same experience with the lid. Thought you might enjoy my comments knowing we all go through these pains.