Just Got home after a hard day in court and just had to read the complete Snow White thread. Compelling and almost romantic in a `'no woman would ever understand" type of way. I feel similar emotions on my visits to the shop where my own fairytale princess is being resurrected. I take regular and expensive gifts of parts and even attach some of them myself, sometimes she appears happy but more often just gleeful in demanding bigger and bigger slices of my disposable income. We have been together 14 months and such is my devotion that I have given up eating out and holidays and am down to my last decent suit and pair of 501's but that, as they say, is true love.
My Belle too had played exclusive hotel to to the family mouse and the chrome vents and conduits were clogged with nesting, my mice however fared less well for food and had resorted to eating both windscreen demister mouldings. (no problem, a mere £108 each from MB, now plastic rather than mouse food compressed cardboard).
My 1964 230SL too was originally papyrus white with blue MB TeX but is being awakened in 050 white (rather than the Peugeot 206 ice blue some Philistine had daubed her with) with navy leather as the interior was shot (and partially eaten). Unlike Snow White my car needed some profound cosmetic surgery in the form of everything excluding the chassis legs from the firewall forward, the previous owner having spent £20K on having the rear end professionally restored before weakening, (like his marriage) having her blown over and selling her to me for far less than he had already spent. I am happy that she has been truly saved and will be resurrected rather than ending her days being broken for parts. Just another few thousand and 6 months should see her done...
The pictures below show the interior as found and the car front now.
PS The rear of the car is good and I have all the receipts for loads of work, the panelling is good and the restoration supported by pictures but he had paid other people for all sorts of mechanical work that had clearly been half done or not done at all. £20K ! He got seriously torn off I'm afraid.