Hi, I'm new to the forum and to Pagodas. I've been shopping around for a good 230sl or 250sl the last few months. First, I'd like to say I'm so glad this forum exists! I've been reading a lot on here.
I have a question. I've been offered a dark green 250sl and was wondering if there was a color code chart as I'm not sure it's a stock color. It's been repainted really nice and was originally white. Looks good in the photos and I'm guessing it's a stock color, but I think I would have picked grey or cream instead. Oh well. The seats etc. are original and black.
It also doesn't have a hard top with it so I'm looking at how much those run. Did some years/models have hard tops that had two chrome strips down the top? Also, if I painted the top black would that be a stock color combo? I'm not sure if they came new with black tops as an option.
Sorry if these seem like stupid questions but I'm a newbie at these cars and I'm determined to get one this year! - I'm 39 and can finally afford one.
Not sure how to post photos yet but I will once I figure it out.
Thanks everyone!