Thank you Peter - lots of great information, which I printed for reference. In the meantime, here is how I started the car since receiving so much help on this forum:
I turn the key on far enough to activate the electric fuel pump, leaving it in that position for about 5 seconds. I push the gas pedal down about 1" or less, then turn key further to crank engine. It starts immediately. I tried this method yesterday morning, late last night, and again this morning and it started like a new car (within one second).
I should mention that I previously had the car at a nearby certified mechanical shop about 2 weeks ago for a full tuneup (new spark plugs, spark plug wires, points, condenser, distributor cap, set timing, etc. and previously a new coil). I am not exactly sure what was done, but the shop has some serious equipment to set the timing/dwell, etc. Most of my problem with the cold start was trying to start the car immediately (without waiting for the electric fuel pump to activate), so I guess I over reacted. I have many antique cars of verious types (from 1917 up) and all have their special way of starting. I plan to start placing a card in each car to provide this information for the future. I have several Model A Fords, and none of our younger guys understand how to get them started (push steering column timing lever up to retard the timing).
So for now, I feel that I have the problem solved.... thanks to so much help on this forum. I just took 3 pictures of the engine this morning.