I invested a hour in explaining why you have the right to fear turning that knob. Yes, you can send your Fuel Injection Pump to PA and let them have the fun of working with it, They will adjust it aproximately to a facimily of our motors, and jest that it is only an approximation. Yes, your motor will start. yes, your motor will run pretty well and probably perform to the numbers published for your car.
I called PA about 30 years ago. They were incredibly nice, nearly exuberant to talk to a car owner. Whoever i was talking to, it doesn't matter. What is important, is their love and enthusiasm for these German mechanisms. Their only hope was that they could share their rare knowledge of these complex, yet simple devises.
I understand your concert for turning that knob. I understand the idea that no one is smart enough to comprehend the complexities of such a complex mechanism. And, i understand that you would rather send your FIP or what ever other W113 parts to others to enjoy working on.
Please understand that I, and a few others here, would rather do it ourselves. We would rather learn, experiment, make mistakes, learn to measure, learn to adjust, remeasure, readjust and in the end, have the satisfaction of fine tuning our FIP to give us the unusually spirited performance that a much bigger motor can deliver.
I really get a kick out of an Audi or BMW driver when they can't pass me. I had a C300,( 2010 200 hp? )today, see if she could pass my 280 going up through a steep climb today. At first, I thought she was just trying to get a closer look. When I saw the kink in her smile, as she came up next to me and not slowing, I punched it. What can I say, A W113 in 4th at 3200 rpms is not to be trifled with. Especially when its FIP is really close to perfect for hill climbing... I think she was happy, it was an old W113 that waxed her going up that hill. She smiled as I let her catch me. I don't think we could have pulled on that 300 with a PA adjusted FIP, but that's just me, I want my W113 to perform the very best she can.