Author Topic: Modulator Adjustment Procedure  (Read 2404 times)


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Modulator Adjustment Procedure
« on: April 21, 2014, 07:14:18 »

Having received some great advice from a previous thread and read up on what I could find, could I just ask if someone could confirm what I believe is the right steps to correctly fine tune  the Modulator and the modulator linkage rod on my transmission, that is currently working pretty well, but is just a bit harsh at times.

1>   Check timing to ensure good vacuum
2>   Get the transmission guy to adjust the Modulator pressure, via the Modulator Pressure Adjustment screw until we have 40 PSI showing from the port.
3>   Then shorten the Modulator push rod until the pressure starts to rise above the 40 PSI and then  lengthen it until it starts to fall,. 
4>   Set the rod length to that transition point
5>   Reset the modular pressure to 40 PSI and go for a drive.
6>   If this results in harsh changes, then reduce the modulator pressure ½ tune at a time until it improves.
7>   If this results i  slipping or “soft changes, then increase pressure until it improves.

Is that the correct procedure? Is the order correct?

From what I have read, these are good transmission and if set up correctly, an give  almost imperceptible changes not far off that of a modern cars.
Is that right?

Many thanks.