I have been cleaning my injectors this weekend.
6 from a 250 and 6 from a 280.
I bought a new pop tester from e bay (from India) delivered in 4 days for £60 all in.
I bought a new 600psi glycerine gauge off e bay for £7.
I also paid the $12 to watch Kent Bergsma’s injector cleaning instruction video on the mercedessource site.( highly recommend because of the cutaway injectors he shows you.)
I would of bought his full cleaning kit and video for $199 but by the time shipping and duty were added it would have been well over $300.
Armed with injector cleaner, ultrasonic bath, carb cleaner, thinners and a bunch of other stuff I put the 12 injectors through the deep cleaning process in the pop tester.
The results are as follows..
All 12 leaked, milked fuel and failed to atomise the fuel before cleaning.
Only 2 out of the 12 were any better and up to spec after 3 hours of intense cleaning .
I was about to give up because they still dripped from the tiny valve seat on the end.
With nothing to lose I went at cleaning the valve and seat.
I am not recomending this but as i say i had nothing to lose.
You can very carefully lift the spring loaded valve off its seat 2 mm with your fingernail and insert the pointed end of a tiny plastic cable tie.
Spin this round a dozen times to clean the seat and “ hey presto” all 12 cleaned up perfect.
It’s the chirp chirp noise they make when you know you’ve got them right plus the fine, wide ,even atomization at 250psi your looking for with no leak down or drips.
My conclusion is that mixing injector cleaner with your fuel won’t touch this type of injector.
The problem is the tiny crud and varnish that accumulates under the tiny valve head and seat, even a good soak in a heated ultrasonic bath fails to get in there.
All 12 now work perfectly.
Trouble with using injector cleaner in your fuel is you can only guess if its working or not.
With these type of injectors you need to see them actually working in a pop tester or buy new new injectors to be 100%.
The reality will probably be your injectors leaking and spitting neat unatomised fuel into your cylinders and your car running rich like 90% of these engines are.
Hope this helps.