Since the make-up of gaskets and seals changes to improved materials over the years it is best to use the latest and greatest. Factory fresh gaskets and seals are manufactured with improved materials and can cope with new chemicals in today's liquids, gasoline, oil etc. I try to follow any new instructions which come with these modern gaskets and seals. Sometimes it might conflict with information (out of date) in the BBB. Here is a sample of the installation instructions for the modern rope seal. The modern rope seal material is most likely Kevlar these days (not rope anymore). The modern Kevlar is much better, its tougher lasts longer, shrinks less, it is harder to cut, naturally. The new spec for the protrusion of the seal is different than the spec in the BBB. This contradiction is most likely due to the new improved material which has a different shrinkage rate. A special installation tool is shown, however I suspect that the "wooden hammer handle method" as described in the BBB will work just fine on the new improved seal. I made a special tool like the one pictured. Agreeing with Dan's comments, I carefully clean the mating surfaces with alcohol to remove any oil or grease before applying and sealer. I do use grease or lube on the exposed rubbing surface of the installed rope seal before the crankshaft is installed. I never have"soaked" one before installation. I also paint the back side of the rope seal with a thin gasket shellac before I install it, to keep any oil from sneaking around the back of the seal. This is most likely a bit of over-kill. There are many different lines of thought on which sealer to use. If in doubt you can still get a factory approved sealing compound from your local MB dealer.