Funny story about Mt. StHelens: When it blew the first time, I believe in 1980, it was a beautiful Sunday morning and I was underway sailing south. I saw this "mushroom cloud" and called the Coast Guard: They had no reports of anything. Later - of course - the radio was full of it. The same morning, Hilda, my wife, called the inn at Soap Lake: She wanted to make reservations for us: Hilda was not aware of the eruption. The lady who answered the phone was all shook up: "It's dark here, ash is falling from the sky:You don't want to come here! Maybe the world is ending!" She also had not heard about the eruption. We still talk about that telephone conversation.
1969 280SL,Signal Red, A/T, P/S, A/C, Both tops, 3.27 axle. Retired engr. West Seattle, WA