I wasn't able to reply to some relevant older posts on this topic, so I'm starting a new (old) topic about soft top drainage.
Following PUB, where I was victim of 'water ingress' after we drove through many monsoons, I tore out a lot of my interior to find the source. Of course, it was a complicated story---I had water coming in from the front and the rear. I've since scoured the forum for relevant posts and found a lot of useful info, but not everything I need.
For now, I just want to ask about how water makes its way from the soft top box back to the outside world, rather than ending up in places it doesn't belong.
I understand clearly the drain holes at the front of the soft top box, and the rubber tubes that dump the water into the cavity behind the door/ahead of the wheelwell. The picture below, borrowed from a previous thread, shows a nice 'cutaway' of that area, with the tube.
What I'm not clear on is the path of the water from there and to the outside, partly because my car has had work done there and I think they closed up the exit paths. Looking from the inside access (after removing the vertical trim), I can see a groove where the water would likely end up. I've put a green arrow on the picture below. In my car, that groove seems essentially closed. I'm guessing it's supposed to lead somewhere.
A previous poster (signalred280sl) said in an earlier thread: "Any water collected in the soft top storage area is , I guess, supposed to find its way to these holes, then free fall down each side and behind the [rocker] panels and out little rectangular openings at the bottom of the [rocker] panels. If you look at the bottom edge of the [rocker] panel where it overlaps the floor sheet metal you will see these little drainage openings about 1/8 inch by 1/2 inch long."
So apparently, the water should eventually exit from the drain holes in the rocker panel covers. I know where those are. So, my burning question: how does the water get from the groove in the cavity to the area between the rocker panel and the rocker panel covers, so that it can then exit the drain holes?