Thanks All or your feedback.
I tested the sparks by simply removing them and putting them on the engine block whilst the engine was running, and saw the sparks. indeed, I don't know of they are sparking back in under compression. However, I noticed that the plugs are getting hot when the engine runs, so I suspect they must be sparking.
The plug wiring was changed to new last year by a reputed 113 specialist workshop together with a broader engine indepth maintenance. They tuned the engine and adjusted the ignition. I suspect the timing was checked. Anyhow, the car was driving very well as never before. Very punchy and very fast. Unfortunately, the workshop is more than a 1,000 kms away from where the car is stranded.
Since the problem has happened, the plugs are getting very dark after only a few minutes of running, except for the plugs of 1&4 (see picture attached: four of the plugs were like the dirty ones and two remained as they were before, hence my deduction that these are the two cylinders not working). The engine would not start again and I would have to remove and clean the plugs again. I have since changed the plugs and the engine starts much better (and restart after stalling), but no improvement on the number of cylinders running.
I'll be going back to the car this week end (the car is located a couple of hours driving from home) and will test the injectors: removing them (starting with the two suspected cylinders) and checking if and how they spray in a glass. I i see that no fuel is sprayed from some injectors, my idea would be to swap injectors to see if the issue is with the injectors or upstream. If upstream, i'll check at the connection of the pipe(s) to the injector pump. If there is anything else I could try, any advice would gratefully be received.
Many thanks again. Marc