Thank you both for your kind attention!
15 bolts/screws we did ok, this one just broke. Material fault? Corrosion? No idea.
All of them had low torx head and nut on the other side. The replacement I found is not bad - at least for a while. But I will be looking for the original screw. The caliper rebuilders did not have one at hand, they said they would look for one. They said the similar screws are in W123 calipers, which is increasing the chances.
As these screws are 10,9 I suppose, my mechanic said he used the standard 6mm 10,9 value (do not remember what he said it was). So nothing special.
Here splitting the calipers for their rebuilding is quite common (very value oriented country).
anyway, I had to buy 10 of those allen 6x60mm screws, 12,9, so if any of is in need - let me know