Pawel, this may help, i have just replaced the original trunk seal in my --65.
and i purchased a seal from Pelican parts, reason i required a muffler as well , so ordered ,
both from them, mainly over the years have used them alot for Porsche parts.
The trunk seal i have just fitted about 2 weeks ago, and it fitted perfect,so good i still have
not even used and contact glue, and the trunk clicks down perfect.
Here is the funny thing , its a cheaper URO make, about $48.00,and i never buy URO parts for
Porsche especially electrical parts, as they fail all the time.
Re about the adjustment on trunk lock,remove the bottom half complete if you have not already done so,
quite often there will be thin shims or even junk and dirt under that, it should only sit about 1mm or less,
above the trunk lip ,try that first ., then go from there.