If I may step in: as you have an Euro car, you will be fitting this trim. In case you do not have holes for it, you may want to consider fitting it with double sided adhesive trim tape instead of the original way of fitting it.
This trim is originally fitted with rivets and brackets (still available at MB 3 years ago, available, as stated below in SLS). I was reluctant to drill holes for the rivets and fitting all of it, I just used the tape. It holds very nicely even though there is not a lot space for it there. The fit seemed fairly difficult to me, as this trim needs to go between shaped parts of the metal sheet and not too high as you will have it very close to licence plate. Yo may also check if licence plate fits if you have a bracket/frame for it of a "Have a Nice Day" type.
It may be just me being underskilled for the job.