…so think the mail is just super slow out of the US at the moment, or should say, as always.
Ordered something else from the US at same time and also waiting for that.
It would be wrong to assume your slow mail service [on international packages from the USA] is solely a problem
caused by the USA. Once it leaves the the USPS and is turned over to another country it’s no longer a US mail issue. Apparently there are
mountains of parcels in Melbourne that Australia Post simply cannot deliver as fast as they arrive. Though that link below is from October last, can you tell me that Australia Post is totally back to normal?
Between this issue with PW #30, and all the books sent out (over 1,000) in the past year, I'm not being arrogant when I say I have some experience in the matter. In the case of the books, Sweden was particularly dreadful. Multiple books returned from different members. In one case a book was returned to us twice! Magnificent
incompetence having
nothing to do with USA. It was sent via AnPost out of Ireland.
In other recent situations local postal services have demanded duty (in some cases less than $1.00); held at an ill-staffed local post office with normal wait times measured in hours (a local problem for you, not the USPS), then returned the package after a few days. They simply can’t be bothered to hold anything, and the ridiculously small duty or VAT, hardly worth collecting in the first place, was merely an excuse. It was easier to send it back than to deliver it.
To blame the USA or its postal service for any domestic woes in your country isn’t accurate.
For the first problem (the only real mailing issue I'm aware of in our PW endeavors) of PW #30 not getting out to everyone--probably 25-30% of our membership, I’m of the suspicion that our printer failed to properly bring a load of PW #30 into the postal system. If they did, then these boxes, just a portion of the initial mailing, were somehow "lost" at the postal system here. We didn't lose any books in those shipments, so this situation was a rare aberration.