About a week ago, after driving on the freeway for about 10 miles, the car started running very rough after I would stop, like at a light. It would sputter and run poorly while idleing and on acceleration in first and second gears, but would smooth out generally about in third gear and stay smooth as long as I was driving steady. It does not do this every time but most times I stop it does, it starts normally in the morning and is smooth for the first mile or so. At the time the gas tank was nearly empty (although the warning light was not yet on) so I stopped and added gas, but that did not help any. By way of history the inside of my gas tank was coated about 5 - 6 years ago and I am nearly positive the screen inside was not replaced. Also my fuel pump was replaced a few years ago so that is nearly new. This was a sudden occurence, there had been no warning signs previously. Anybody got any ideas of where to look first?
1967 230sl (stick)