Author Topic: car don't match description  (Read 6716 times)

terry shores

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car don't match description
« on: September 01, 2005, 21:26:49 »
You would think for a car that looks new, you would get heater controls or at least an ashtray??


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2005, 03:32:56 »
Last time I looked I thought  the trunk logo was on the left side???  Maybe it's a down under model.  No offense intended to the bottom side.

Aloha, :D

Jim Saylor
Kauai, Hawaii
'65 230SL


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2005, 07:58:37 »
picky, picky, picky.  Who cares where the logo goes....the important thing, according to the seller, is that there is a space between the 280 and the sl.  No doubt, a burning question in everyone's mind.

The seller says this car has "nice presents" and comes with "micro chips".  I never knew that there was a computerized version.

They do warn you that they are "not responsible for the correct description" of the car.  Now, that's an interesting caveat.  No need to worry.  =8^0

Best regards,

Originally posted by jsaylor

Last time I looked I thought  the trunk logo was on the left side???
« Last Edit: September 02, 2005, 08:26:58 by n/a »


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2005, 08:18:13 »
This car is in such an "awesome conditions", it only comes with a sun visor on the passenger side.  The unbolted wood trim makes for easy removal.

"Bid with confidence" your identity is protected.  No one will know if you have been ripped off.



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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2005, 08:36:19 »
The more I see this crap on eBay--113's from these questionable dealers with this "Mickey Mouse" restoration work (sorry, Mr. Disney), the more I think you have to be out of your mind to buy a car from eBay sight unseen.  Caveat Emptor.

Michael Salemi
1969 280SL
Signal Red w/Black Leather
Michael Salemi
Davidson, North Carolina (Charlotte Area) USA
1969 280SL (USA-Spec)
Signal Red 568G w/Black Leather (Restored)
2023 Ford Maverick Lariat Hybrid "Area 51"
2022 Ford Escape Hybrid
2023 Ford Escape Hybrid


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2005, 09:53:30 »
Hold on, Michael.  No need to throw the baby out with the dirty bathwater.  IMHO, the reputable sellers far outnumber the crooks.  Buyers need to exercise caution, good judgement, and ask questions.
Just my 2 pennies worth.

Originally posted by mdsalemi

The more I see this crap on eBay--113's from these questionable dealers with this "Mickey Mouse" restoration work (sorry, Mr. Disney), the more I think you have to be out of your mind to buy a car from eBay sight unseen.  Caveat Emptor.

Michael Salemi
1969 280SL
Signal Red w/Black Leather


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2005, 10:07:05 »
Hey, hey, hey, guys.  You may remember I bought my Carling on eBay 3-1/2 years ago.  Maybe that was the era of honesty?  :)   I still side with Don that there are *some* honest sellers out there.  I talked with my seller before bidding, and it was clear to me that the car was solid (after 200 questions).  It arrived with even the wipers working and the heater levers intact.  But if I couldn't talk with the seller directly, then I'd bag it.  I'm sorry, but bad English makes me nervous...

1968 280SL US, signal red/bl leather, auto, kinder
Sarasota FL; Alsace France
1968 280SL US, signal red/bl leather, auto, kinder seat
Austrian Alps
Think of your Pagoda as a woman with a past...


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2005, 10:50:24 »
Sorry guys, darn near every 113 that gets on eBay is picked apart relentlessly here.  An unknowing owner has perhaps, an excuse for unknowing misrepresentation...but these "professional" sellers don't.  If you don't have the time to learn about what you are selling, you shouldn't be selling it.  Notice how they generally get very testy and defensive when asked lots of detailed questions, and thus in my opinion they are bad news.  A reputable professional--someone dealing in old or classic cars--should have the ability to have their own website and run their own business outside of the eBay model.  If you care to do some research on the most highly qualified dealers and restorers, you'll find that they don't use or need eBay as a sales tool.  Want to auction your car?  There are plenty of avenues for that as well.  Barrett Jackson, RM, Kruse, and these are just the big guys.

No matter how many questions you ask, how much good judgment you use and how much caution you exercise, it is all moot in the hands of someone out to get you, or a dealer with little knowledge of what he is selling.

eBay is a fine tool, and I've had good luck with it but I never buy from a professional, only private sales.  I would never, ever even consider purchasing a car sight unseen on eBay--particularly a collector vehicle.

There are enough 113's for sale simply by private sale, in the Star Magazine, in Hemmings, and other places that there is no reason whatsoever why anyone would need to even consider buying a 113 on eBay, especially one for sale by these "professional" sellers.

Just reading all these descriptions, these outrageous claims, seeing some of these bizarre photos, tells me all I want to know.  Steer clear.  But that's my opinion.  If you want to buy a car on eBay, go right ahead...

Michael Salemi
1969 280SL
Signal Red w/Black Leather
Michael Salemi
Davidson, North Carolina (Charlotte Area) USA
1969 280SL (USA-Spec)
Signal Red 568G w/Black Leather (Restored)
2023 Ford Maverick Lariat Hybrid "Area 51"
2022 Ford Escape Hybrid
2023 Ford Escape Hybrid


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2005, 12:38:56 »
I bought my sl on E-bay last year but the seller was no dealer. I have to say I paid a fair price and received a honnest described car. Of course it still is a risky deal: I had to trust the seller's description and rely on the 9 pics on E-bay. I paid first and the car arrived only 1 month later. I had some sleepless nights though before the arrival of the old lady!

Paul Haems
'68 280SL

Bob G ✝︎

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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2005, 14:22:31 »
there are too many cannableized 280SL's on ebay. Once they get what they want its trash and buyer be wear! Twice I brought my SL to said repudable mechnics and twice I found parts missing and a car cover stolden. I am very leary of some of these guys, I watch my car like a halk now, so I donot have to buy back the parts they took from my car and put on their own car or e-bay.
Just my own personal opinon!
Bob Geco


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2005, 15:21:01 »
I think it's unfair to blame the medium here. Yes, the Internet is full of dishonest sellers, but before the Web we were all using the telephone, mail service and photography to assist us in long-distance transactions. Sometimes people misrepresented cars using those mediums too. We shouldn't blame the Internet any more than we blame the telephone or mail. As always, the buyer must beware.

Mind you, there's another way of looking at this too -- try to seek out ebay auctions or ads online that have poor photos and inept descriptions that do not do the car justice. It's rare, but it does happen. If you have the knowledge to recognize a bad car being represented as a good car, then you also probably know what it takes to find a diamond in the rough.

Douglas Kim
New York, NY
280 SL #016220


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2005, 16:07:12 »
I'm not blaming the internet.  The internet is great.  I use it daily.  And, eBay is okay, too--with a catch...

eBay developed as a site for you and me to buy and sell the stuff we had or need.  When it was that it was great.  It morphed--and I think this is bad--into a venue for people to very inexpensively become professional sellers.  They set up magnificent "virtual storefronts"; they have glamorous writing (even if some of them have trouble with English) and descriptions.  They sell "new" products out of inventory, starting another auction as soon as one ends.  My guess is that many of these guys wouldn't stand a chance in a more conventional selling environment because they don't have any investment, and nobody would trust them.  Phony salesmen are stereotyped most classicly by--you got it--used car salesmen.  Even the most gullible of our population can spot these guys a mile away--when they are in person.  The virtual storefront of the professional seller is cheap window dressing to cover up a guy whose only investment is a computer and internet connection.  Contrast that to the real dealers.  When the bozo gets caught with too many lies, he changes his "name" and sells something else.  A real dealer can't and wouldn't do that.  Have a problem at a real dealer?  One with bricks and mortar?  You have all kinds of legal avenues to take, from arbitration, to litigation, to the police, to the Chamber of Commerce to a trade organization.  In most states there are very strict laws regarding used car, and new car sales, and dealers must be licensed.  Get screwed with eBay and you can't even talk to a human being about it.  You are completely, 100% stuck without any recourse.  Many times you have no idea where the scam artist is.  Cross jurisdictions with our civil court system?  Good luck.  It may sound like I've been screwed by eBay before, but I have not--and I doubt I ever will.

They say that locks--like on a cash box, or on your front door "keep honest people honest" but they won't stop a determined crook.  It is a mistake to think that the ease of setting up a storefront, the ease of appearing to be professional, the ease of all this sales action that has been made possible by eBay is not unlike leaving the lock on your front door unlocked or off the cash box.  It is an invitation for trouble.  You will most certainly have less trouble potential meeting a seller face to face, knowing where they live or do business, then in the virtual world of eBay.

Now don't get me wrong--many many many of my spare parts have been sold on eBay.  I've also bought a few.  But never from a professional.  Oh yes, let the buyer beware--but when it comes time for me to buy another car, it will be private sale, not on eBay.

Michael Salemi
1969 280SL
Signal Red w/Black Leather
Michael Salemi
Davidson, North Carolina (Charlotte Area) USA
1969 280SL (USA-Spec)
Signal Red 568G w/Black Leather (Restored)
2023 Ford Maverick Lariat Hybrid "Area 51"
2022 Ford Escape Hybrid
2023 Ford Escape Hybrid


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2005, 17:00:10 »
I have to agree with Douglas 100%.  The bad guys and crooks have always been around.  The internet is simply the most recent tool for them to deceive others.  The "used car salesman" has been a negative cliche for many years.

People use ebay because of the wide exposure.  Sure, trade magazines are a source for cars, but I've seen what appears to be overpriced vehicles with questionable backgrounds in the sources that Michael mentions.  And, the ads can be expensive with very limited exposure.

My car is on ebay right now. (Do I hear gasps of horror?)  I consider myself to be honest and fair.  I do not want an unhappy buyer for the car that I have loved for 12 years.  Further, I believe that my reputation and integrity are important.  (I own a successful UPS Store, and my success is built on customer satisfaction.)  I've had questions from all over the world for my car!  I've had almost 1,000 people look at my sight in less than one week.  Where else do you get that kind of exposure for $45???  My car may sell, or it may not.  But ebay is a heck of a lot more fun than spending $75 for a 30-day ad on a website that nobody visits to look for a 113.

All the best,
« Last Edit: September 02, 2005, 17:04:27 by n/a »


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2005, 17:47:48 »
I think there are some golden rules if you're going to consider a car on ebay:

1. Avoid any car where the seller seems preoccupied with selling you on the lifestyle that the car can give you and not the benefits of the particular car being sold. This includes SLs parked in front of McMansions, SLs with elaborate stories of ownership, SLs with beautiful women draped all over them, and any ad that describes how the SL was "THE fashion statement of the 60s."

2. Be very wary of a car that was intentionally photographed in lighting that can obscure imperfections in the body.

3. Avoid cars where the photographer  has obviously cropped off a portion of the photo, particularly when that part of the car has a known trouble spot like the trunk floor, headlight bucket, etc.

4. Assume that any undocumented low mileage car is false.

5. If the seller will not let you see the car before the end of the auction, walk away.

6. Be very suspicious of auctions with hidden bidding.

7. Be very suspicious if a car is sold then re-listed.

8. Assume that areas of the car are not pretty if the seller isn't willing to show them to you. The trunk floor is a good example.

9. In the same vein, if the seller shows you the bottom of the gas tank as evidence that the undercarriage is clean and rust-free, you should start to wonder if he's hiding something.

10. Do not assume that sellers with high ratings are always honest. I've seen cars from dealers with flawless ratings that were clearly not as described.

Douglas Kim
New York, NY
280 SL #016220
« Last Edit: September 02, 2005, 19:47:09 by Douglas »

terry shores

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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2005, 19:33:05 »
I have bought approx 15 mercedes on ebay! A couple 280 sl's, nearly a dozen 560 sl's and 2 sl500's.  I did not inspect any of them prior to paying for them and receiving them by truck.  Only one of them I felt the seller deceived me.  Looking back now, I was extremely lucky and the experience taught me one thing for sure.  I WILL NEVER EVER BUY A CAR ON EBAY WITHOUT INSPECTING IT PRIOR TO PAYING FOR IT!! NEVER!!! NEVER!!!  (The car that got me was a 560sl that I purchased from a DR. at a hospital in South Carolina.  I did all of the due diligence humanly possible from my home in Calif.  Car turned out to have a major rip in the leather on the driver seat and had been in a major accident and alot of rust underneath.  It photographed much better than it looked in person.  LIVE AND LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.  EVEN BETTER, LEARN FROM OTHER PEOPLES MISTAKES.  ITS A HECK OF ALOT CHEAPER!!!


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2005, 20:28:58 »
Michael sez:
Sorry guys, darn near every 113 that gets on eBay is picked apart relentlessly here.

Hey Michael,
This group is relentlessly critical of amost all cars for sale and relentlessly supportive of members in need of help.

Not restricted to EvilBay.

Best regards,


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2005, 20:57:01 »
Douglas sez:
(avoid)SLs parked in front of McMansions

Hey Douglas,
What's wrong with a little ambiance?  If I could get some cute babes in swimsuits to pose on my car, I'd do it for the attention.

Ain't nuttin' wrong with grabbin' the emotional response.  Let's face it, we love our cars for the emotion, not the practicality.  You want transportation, buy a Honda Civic.  We own our cars because it makes our heart pound!!!!!

All the best,


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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2005, 08:27:45 »
Methinks some of you are missing the point.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the internet, and I don't think there is anything wrong with any of us buying or selling cars on the internet.

I don't think there is anything wrong with eBay...BUT and this is the point, I don't believe in the professionals--these "virtual" classic car showrooms.  If you think they are OK, great.  I've already explained why I think the professionals are trouble...

I don't have a problem with private sales...but you ought to think WHY in most states, people who sell cars used or new as a business to be licensed.

Read Jonny B's post today about PayPal.  If anyone continues to think that the internet has not facilitated, i.e. made easier, scams, I'd suggest you are not seeing the big picture.

But hey, it's just my opinion...

Michael Salemi
1969 280SL
Signal Red w/Black Leather
Michael Salemi
Davidson, North Carolina (Charlotte Area) USA
1969 280SL (USA-Spec)
Signal Red 568G w/Black Leather (Restored)
2023 Ford Maverick Lariat Hybrid "Area 51"
2022 Ford Escape Hybrid
2023 Ford Escape Hybrid

Cees Klumper

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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2005, 13:24:37 »
I've bought some pricey stuff through Ebay from some far-away places and have not been disappointed. Still, that's probably lucky.

Cees ("Case") Klumper in Amsterdam
'69 white 280 SL automatic
Cees Klumper
1969 Mercedes 280 SL automatic
1968 Ford Mustang 302 V8
1961 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Coupe 1600
1962 FIAT 1500S OSCA convertible
1972 Lancia Fulvia Coupe 1.3
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Re: car don't match description
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2005, 19:03:46 »
For what it worth not broken brake resvor cap! Must have miss it during restoration.

71 280SL Tobacco "O GIGI"
97 E420 Silver Mist