I'd like to jump in here because I have knocked the MB automatic: When I got my car, my automatic shifted rough from 2nd to 3rd, on the upshift only and only when hot. When cold, the shift was always very smooooth. (Yes, I'm picky). Nobody had an explanation. When I drove cars of aquaintances, they shifted worse. I replaced the filter and the fluid and adjusted the modulator pressure to specs: No change. In the end, what did it, is driving the car often. Previous owners did not drive the car much, since 1991, from where I have documentatiion, the car was only driven a few hundred miles. It was used mostly for show and transported in a trailer. The last owner only drove it to the golf course a few times. Now my transmission appears to shift smooth all the time. Mostly, I forget it is shifting. I have no more complaints. Only, that it really should have a torque converter. That would give me about twice the torque from standstill. Why, even my Case has a torque converter!