A year or so ago -perhaps longer there was a long thread about whitewalls - how great they look and how to keep them clean with many people bemoaning the fact that they go yellow. I think WWs on a dark coloured car look very smooth but I have always had trouble keeping them white.
I have a set of GT Radials Champaros - OK not the greatest tyre running around but more than adequate for the mileage and the style of driving that we do. They look good too. About 12 months ago I had to replace one because of accident damage and put the damaged one outside next to the shed to wait for the next run to the tip. A week or so ago I was out there and loh and behold, the white wall, which had been previously a cream colour was bright white. Hmmm says I, whats going on here? Can anyone make a few suggestions - BTW this is not a test, I`m curious - the reason could lead to a solution to the yellowing disease.
230SL (nearly back on the road)