While not noticed at rest or even when just starting cold I have observed an oil leak when the engine warms up.
I don't mean a couple of drops I mean a steady stream, not sure how to describe the flow, maybe an ounce per minute when the engine warms. Kind of alarming to see in real time.
At first it appeared to be flowing out from where the oil filter housing meets the engine so my first thought was to tighten the bolt that attaches the oil filter housing to the engine, no luck.
Upon closer examination the oil appears to be coming from the bolt #197 in the attached diagram which is identified as "screw plug - by pass valve" on the MB EPC
I can't get a wrench on this bolt/plug without removing an oil line or maybe more involved disassembly so before I start taking things apart my question is..... does this make sense as the real site of the leak and if so will simply trying to tighten that bolt-plug likely solve the problem, or maybe just replacing the O-ring for the plug or am I in for a more complicated problem? I've never thought about or had to do anything in this area and was wondering if anyone has come across this problem before...... Oil pressure seems to be fine by the way.
And by the way.... what is the exact purpose of that by pass valve? how does it work?
I tried doing a search of the forum for this but did not seem to find exactly what I was looking for relative to this problem.