Hello Bob,
These are always tough, not very much room. There are a lot of tool combinations that could work. You should have no trouble holding the 27mm fittings at the end of the rubber hoses with a standard wrench. The smaller 22mm fitting on the metal line will want to slip with a standard wrench. A "line wrench" will hold usually. Smaller line wrenches are commonly used for metal brake lines. Larger size "line wrenches" will be a little difficult to locate. Probably not a Sears item. I use a "crows foot line wrench". I can hook different handles to it to make it work. (see pic)
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A standard 22mm line wrench along with the standard 27mm works best on the lower oil hose, from below. An extra pair of hands helps.
I am sure that some other combinations will work also (short wrenches, vicegrips, angled wrenches etc. ?)
Joe Alexander
Blacklick, Ohio