Peter, in Engelen's Vom Barok zur Pagode (German published version) I see nothing in the lists that refers to the color combinations being recommended. What I see is that for a list of available colors in a given year (list of the available standard colors, or separate list of available metallic colors), all (or any) two-color combinations can be selected from each separate list(i.e. combinations of colors taken from only one list). Since any combination of top/body color could be selected, I stand corrected. My misunderstanding was that certain combinations were "recommended", and since I could find no "recommended" color combinations statements in the lists I misundertood the statement that certain color combinations were "recommended" (or "empfohlen" in German, or any other term with the same intent).
The lists I'm referring to are entitled Sonderausstattungen, Personnenvagen; Daimler-Benz Aktienegesellschaft, Stuttgart - Unterturkheim.
The number of combinations is huge. For example, there were 11 metallic colors listed in Jan '66. The number of combinations using those colors for top/bottom or bottom/top is 132. For the standard colors there were 23 available... that gives 552 available color combinations.
Where specific color combinations are listed, they are listed under a specific Leather color, of which there were 27 different leather colors available. For each leather color there was 1 rubber matts color and 1 carpet/interior color, and then a list of combinations of body/top colors. I presume the combinations for body/top colors listed under each leather color are those being referred to as the "recommended" colors...but please correct me if my understanding is correct.
The translation of the notation that allows any color combination to be selected from a given list of available standard or metallic colors is:
All two-color combinations are available from the above colors.
or in German "Aus obigen Farbtoenen sind saemtliche zweifarbige Kominationen erhaeltich".
So Michael, the MB factory authorized any 2-color combination from a given list of available colors in a given year of available colors. The only apparent restriction was the combinations couldn't be selected from different lists ... i.e. metallic colors could be combined for any 2-color metallic combination, or standard colors could be combined to any 2-color standard color combination.
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