I change the oil, change the fuel filter, check all fluid levels, grease chassis, put gasoline storage additive in the fuel and run it in the engine, fill the fuel tank to avoid condensation and to make it less volitale, put the top up, and open a bag of charcoal and set it in the car to act as a dessicant and air freshener. I leave the battery in and disconnect it and periodicaly hook it up and start the car, sometimes I have to charge the battery. Sometimes in the Northeast you can get out for an occasional drive, however most of the time it is to salty. The storage additive in the fuel, I have learned can help greatly in keeping varnish deposits from forming in the fuel system as the fuel left untreated will do. And above all, no matter what you think is in your cooling system, you must personally check your antifreeze with a high quality hydrometer, no one else can do this for you and you must do it before freezing wheather with no exceptions, the engines life you save may be yours. I also put my car cover on and keep a cat around to help with rodents. Moving the car definitly helps the tires, but ussually the first drive the car still shakes enough to scare you and then goes away.