My car is currently without a front end except for the front frame rails. It received one of these front clips in 1980 regrettably from someone with an air chisel, a torch and a few sticks of brass(Al, I Know it was you! Were you in Cleveland in 1980?).
I can see no reason to keep it as a one piece front if you were to fillet a parts car. the cowl panel is particularly tough to get off as the front edge is folded over a flange that is sticking up on the inner cowl and unless you needed it you would be better off keeping your old one attached to your car. Basically the one piece front is comprised of 5 panels(fenders, nosepanel, cowl panel and front reinforcement) so there is no advantage to leaving it in one piece and it is a lot easier to move around the separate parts.
I think it will sell in the $3,000USD range as that is what the fenders and nose panel are worth and no one needs a cowl panel except me. If my metal man had though my nose piece was beyond saving I would have been interested.