Digital photos I can do, digital recordings I can't, not that I'm even sure I could post it.
Problem: I have a strange tinny rattle eminating from my transmission tunnel. It's been there a while. It is most prominent when the car isn't going too fast; I can't seem to hear it when it is going quickly but that may be because it's drowned out by the engine. The gear shifts (it's a 230sl manual) seem ok and the rattle is there whether I ride the clutch or not. It doesn't seem to be there when the car is static.
I am hoping to take the car to France in 2 weeks (about 1400 mile round trip) and I would like to know (1) if anyone knows what I'm talking about and, (2) is this likely to be a show stopper?
It's hard to describe the noise. It's a very rapid rattle and reasonably high pitched. The best description I can come up with is the sort of noise you might get putting a ball bearing in a metal collinder and whirling it around; as it hits the small holes that's the sort of noise. I wonder whether it's a bearing thing, but there is no good mechanic anywhere near me who I could take it to without shelving my trip plans for the car.
A long shot, I know, but any ideas?