All I want is 'Highway Improvement'. The auto industry is trying to move America into their 'living room' on the Interstate. A couple of dollars of chips and software! 14-17 million new cars every year are placed on the highway-- in front of me FIRMLY in the left lane doing 5 mph less than everyone else. I want an Automated Highway to move those *&^$JH)&% out of the way. It also would space the cars, have a uniform lane speed, turn off Statie's flashing lights, move accidents within five minutes, etc, etc. This is possible now. The saved time, fuel, rage, etc would more than pay for the cost.
And while I'm at it- why are there ANY non pavement inserts on the driving surface?? Manhole covers, valve access, drains, phone and cable access, crappy expansion joints, etc, etc all lead to potholes.
I don't think there is one 'Slow traffic keep right' sign in the state of Mass.
We Americans gotta realize, soon, we are not being well served by our 'elected' officals. The billions of gas tax dollars should give us a better highway system.