[sarcasm=on]Well, this post has generated a lot of enthusiasm. That can't be right.[sarcasm=off]
In 2011 we must have new board elections. A number of people will be stepping down from the current board.
This also means that we will need new full members to step forward and to take up a board position.
The PUB in 2009 was a great success and was well organised by Joe and Mary Alexander with the help of the Board. If Joe Alexander will let us, I think that the group should step up to the plate and drive the organisation much more so that Joe and Mary have less to worry about. This does require good volunteers who should be board members.
Additionally, the European Event in 2010 was well received. A number of people indicated that they'd like to be involved with the organisation of an event in 2012 or thereabouts.
In 2013 the Pagoda will celebrate another hallmark year. Achim and I have started discussions with other Pagoda groups in Germany to see if we can organise something jointly. Our Australian members have decided to plan an event where they try to get over 50 Pagodas together.
Over the last few months a number of people have started talking about how we should move forward as a real group, more and more. How we should be more involved in events.
Well, this is your chance. Step forward for a board position. Put yourself up for candidacy. I'd like to see Achim back on the board, for the 2013 event prep and discussions with the other Pagoda Groups.
I'd like to see one or two European members who can organise the 2012 European Event.
I'd like to see one or two Australian members, who can promote and push the Australian event.
And finally I'd like to see (at least) one additional person to help with a US based convention / PUB type event.
To be a board member, you must be a Full Member. As a group we now have 475 Full Members. Plenty of volunteers, I would say.
Talk to any of the current board members to see what the job entails, and contact me if you'd like to be a candidate.
Note that as a group we have a reasonable amount of funds. We can allocate some of these funds as seed money for the events if we are serious about becoming a more "real life" as opposed to internet group. We will always be an active internet community (the number of messages about the recent outage indicated how important this site has become to many of us) but it is incredibly rewarding and fun to meet one another in real life. But other than virtual life, this does require organisation and board members. So please step up to the plate!