A friend and I discussed the paint markings back in the early 1990's. He coined the description for the green and yellow as being "parrot poop green" and "baby $hit yellow".
I had a pint of the green and yellow paint made up back in 1994 after bringing clean samples to one of the local auto body paint supply houses who put them in their paint reading machine and came up with an excellent match.
The labels on the cans reads as follows:
Green Color:
DuPont Centari Acrylic Enamel
43737A Contains Lead
Car: Volvo Yr: 75 Alt: 2 VOC: 4.6 Lbs/Gal
Code: 118
Color: Green
Tinting guide mix size: pint
758S Drier 23.5
742A Blue Green 28.5
720A Phthalo Blu 38.0
738A Lt Yellow 108.0
705A Black (HS) 203.5
700A White 326.0
756A Binder 469.0
Yellow Color:
DuPont Centari Acrylic Enamel
5194A Contains Lead
Car: FoMoCo Yr: 70 Alt: 1 VOC: 4.4 Lbs/Gal
Code: 0
There was no tinting label on this can so I'm assuming there were no tints added.
With the elimination of lead in paints we have today I can't guarantee the above will convert to the proper colors. You would have to consult with a paint supplier in your area.
There is nothing like the smell of an open can of the good old paint
280SE Guy