Also I do speak German I can not make out the remark of the G-MB drivers. The male one of course is Franz Beckenbauer "The Kaiser" of German soccer fame and the lady ?
I have been listening to their remarks over and over, to no avail.
Can anybody enlighten me please ? tries to pass Michael in his (...) pagoda. When he is finally successful he says: "Ah, wusst' ich's doch: Sonntagsfahrer. ... Hehehe." Translation: "Ah, I knew it: Sunday driver. Hehehe." And on the English version of this add: "Aha, I knew it, Sunday driver. Hehehe."
Right after Mika finshed passing the pagoda he was overtaken by the G-model and says: "Oh, wow" in German, and "Oh, wow" in the English version.
The G-model driver (Franz Beckenbauer in the German version) says: "Wusst' ich's doch: Rentner!". Thanslation: I knew it: Retiree." In the English version the nice blonde yound lady says: "I knew it, senior citizen."
Had no problems to understand that although both languages (deutsch&englisch) are not among my top 100s.Yes, Witt, you are right. The word "citizen" of hers is a bit hard to understand. At least for my poor skills......
(drives like a "Retner" too)