On the body of the WRD from an early 230SL (R11 Injection pump), there is a spring-loaded hex knob just below the heat feeler housing. This knob doesn't exist on later WRDs. As best I can tell, the knob enables/disables the WRD. Can anyone confirm this or correct if it does something else? The knob protrudes into the valve body and has an eccentric pin on the end sticking into the valve throat. The knob locks in two positions, each 180 deg apart. In one position it appears to hold the WRD valve plunger in the Warm position, and the other setting allows the plunger to retract and be controlled by the heat feeler.
At first I though it was just a retaining plug to hold the plunger in place, but I finally got it freed up and working and think it actually has this enable/disable function, presumably for summer/winter operation. I've read tons about the WRD, but never seen this discussed, or missed it if it has been.
Just curious...