After much deliberation and sweet talking her indoors I've finally decided to take the plunge and rebuild my car in order to get the body rust proofed against the vagaries of the UK’s climate and the times we actually have any salt to put on them.
I've been looking at a process that involves chemical dipping to completely strip away all the paint and nasty bits and then some witchcraft to rust proof everything in another dipping process. Full details are at and I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge or experience of this type of thing. In deciding to go this far I would like to make sure that I use the best available process and would ideally like to have the metal galvanised but don't really know what this entails or if it's possible outside a factory production environment.
Anyway, the strip down is almost complete and I'm about ready to take the shell to the body shop that will do the metal work and painting around the stripping & dipping and would welcome any thoughts on the process or possible alternative.
I still have a concern that large parts of the body will just dissolve when dipped as it eats away all rust, filler, lead and any other matter on the metal. However, now the shell is bare it does look to be in very good condition with little sign if rust underneath or inside the box sections I can now see into so hopefully that will not be an issue.