It was once pointed out to me (by a concourse winner) that the front grille surround should have a gap between the chrome edge and the body of the car - down the side and across the bottom. I don't doubt this to be correct, but how much gap? - what is correct? Nearly every car I have seen has had some frontal body repair over the past 45years.
Eg: If I look at my 1969 I can see the Grille surround is fairly 'flush' (no gap) with the body across the top and side, and has a few mm gap (b/w frame and body) across the bottom. However, when I look at my project car (1970) I can see it is also flush across the top but has a more pronounced gap between grille and body down the side and bottom....perhaps up to 5mm. Not too clear in the photo's but I hope you understand my meaning. Would be great if we could have consensus at the end of this post as to what is the correct fitment gaps around the Grille Surround.
thanks in advance.