Wanting to know what direction to head concerning the fuel gauge fluttering. The fuel gauge was just recently rebuilt as part of the dash rebuild and has been working very well. No other instrument related issues. Sending unit (new tube style) was replaced about four years ago. The gauge flutters (1/8 tank variance at the max) when driving, sometimes idling but never flutters with just the pump on engine not running.
I checked the plug on the unit and looks good, no corrosion. With the sending unit still in the tank, there is resistance between #1 and #2 prongs and will fluctuate when jiggling the car back and forth. It is steady when not moving. I am leaning toward removing and trying to flushing the sending unit and also checking to see if the disc at the bottom is still there. If that doesn't work, maybe replace the sending unit??? The dash is totally assembled and would rather not tear it apart for testing unless absolutely necessary.
What do you think?