My Constant Speed Solenoid (#000-072-01-00) works great before the car warms up, but after that it will not work. This situation just started last week; prior to that all was well. Both the Forward and the Reverse pressure switches on the auto transmission are under a year old, and the trans fluid and filter are about 1000m old. When the CSS stops working, I can jump from the ground terminal on the CSS to ground, and then the magnet will energize, slightly move the linkage forward, and the idle will return to 800 rpm (w/o the CSS, the idle is just above 500 rpm). Since the CSS magnet does work when jumped, and both the pressure switches are new(er), that leaves the wiring in between, or a low pressure situation in the transmission (not enough psi to engage the F and R switches)? Is it possible for the transmission to have good pressure at start up, but a lower pressure when warm?